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Dr Changxu Liu


University of Exeter
Harrison Building
Exeter EX4 4QF


Changxu is a Lecturer at the Electronic Engineering, University of Exeter. He is part of the Nano Engineering Science and Technology (NEST) and the Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation (CMRI). Prior joining this position, he was an Assistant Professor at Northumbria Unviersity, UK. Before that, he worked as a Humboldt Research Fellow and LMU incoming Research Fellow at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany and Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Birmingham, UK.


Changxu got his BSc in Tongji Unviersity China, MSc in University of Rochester, USA and PhD in King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia respectively, all in Electrical Engineering.


Changxu's current research interests are in the areas of metamaterials, plasmonics, nanotechnology, and nanophotonics, with particular focus on innovative aspects of wave interaction in disordered and hybrid systems.


Changxu's (co) first- and corresponding- author papers have appeared in several high-impact journals, including Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, Nature Communications(2), Physical Review Letters (3), Physical Review X, JACS, Advanced Materials, Light Science & Applications, Nano Letters and ACS Nano. Some of his recent research work have been picked up by national and international media outlets, such as The Wall Street Journal, Independent, Daily Mail, Yahoo and Guinness World Record.


Selected publications

(*=corresponding, +=contributed equally )

  1. C.-H. Lin, C. Liu*, J. Yang, J. Kim, L. Hu, C.-Y. Huang, S. Zhang, F. Chen, S. Shahrokhi, J.-K. Huang, X. Guan, T. Wan, S. Huang, K. Liu, D. Chu*, Stefan A. Maier, and T. Wu*, “Regulating the phase and optical properties of mixed-halide perovskites via hot-electron engineering ”, Adv. Func. Mater., 2402935 (2024)
  2. C. Liu*, T. Wu, P. Lalanne, S. A. Maier*, "Enhanced light matter interaction in metallic nanoparticles - a generic strategy of smart void filling", Nano Lett. , 24 (15), 4641-4648 (2024)
  3. D. Yang, Y. Wang, J. Shi, C. Liu* and S. Zhang*, “Arbitrary Wireless Energy Distribution within an Epsilon Near-zero Environment”, Laser & Photon. Rev. , 18(2), 2300631 (2023).
  4. T. Lin+, T. Yang+, Y. Cai+, J. Li, G. Lu, S. Chen, Y Li, L. Guo*, S. A. Maier*, C. Liu*, and J. Huang*, "Transformation-optics-designed Plasmonic Singularities for Efficient Photocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution at Metal/Semiconductor Interfaces", Nano Lett., 23(11), 5288–5296 (2023)

Before Exeter

  1. C. Liu*, S. Zhang, S. A. Maier and H. Ren*, “Disorder-induced topological state transition in optical skyrmion family”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 267401 (2022)
  2. B.Yang+, K. Liu+, H. Li+, C. Liu+, J. Fu, H. Li, J. E. Huang, P. Ou, T. Alkayyali, C. Cai, Y. Duan, H. Liu, P. An, N. Zhang, W. Li, X. Qiu, C. Jia, J. Hu, L. Chai, Z. Lin, Y. Gao, M. Miyauchi, E. Cortes, S. A. Maier*, Min Liu*, "Accelerating CO2 Electroreduction to Multicarbon Products via Synergistic Electric-Thermal Field on Copper Nanoneedles", J. Am. Chem. Soc. 144(7), 309 (2022).
  3. P. Mao+, C. Liu+* , X. Li+, M. Liu+, M. Han, S. A. Maier, E. Sargent* and S. Zhang*, "Single- step-fabricated disordered metasurfaces for enhanced light extraction from LEDs", Light Sci & App 10, 180 (2021).
  4. X. Wang+, C. Liu+, C. Cao, K. Yao, Seyed S. M. Masouleh, R. Berte, H. Ren, L. Menezes, E. Cortes, I. Bicket, H. Wang, N. Li, Z. Zhang, M. Li, W. Xie, Y. Yu, Y. Fang, S. Zhang, H. Xu, A. Vomiero, Y. Liu*, S. A. Maier*, G. Botton* and H. Liang*, "Self-constructed Multiple Plasmonic Hotspots on an Individual Fractal to Amplify Broadband Hot Electron Generation", ACS Nano 15(6), 10553 (2021).
  5. P. Mao+, C. Liu+* , Y. Niu, F. Song, R. E. Palmer, M. Han, S. A. Maier* and S. Zhang*, "Disorder-Induced Material-Insensitive Optical Response in Plasmonic Nanostructures: Vibrant Structural Colors from Noble Metals", Advanced Materials 33(23), 202007623 (2021).
  6. P. Mao+, C. Liu+, F. Song, M. Han*, S.A. Maier* and S. Zhang*, "Manipulating disordered plas- monic systems by external cavity with transition from broadband absorption to recon gurable re ection", Nature Communications 11, 1538 (2020).
  7. C. Liu, M. Rybin*, P. Mao, S. Zhang and Y. Kivshar, "Disorder-immune sub-wavelength photonic structures based on Mie metamaterials", Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 163901 (2019).
  8. P. Mao+, C. Liu+, G. Favard, Q. Chen*, M. Han, A. Fratalocchi* and S. Zhang*, "Broadband single molecule SERS detection designed by warped optical spaces", Nature Communications 9, 5428 (2018).
  9. C. Liu, W. Gao, B. Yang and S. Zhang*, "Disorder-Induced Topological State Transition in Photonic Metamaterials", Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 183901 (2017).
  10. J. Huang+, C. Liu+, Y. Zhu, S. Masala, E. Alarousu, Y. Han* and A. Fratalocchi*, "Harnessing structural darkness in the visible and infrared wavelengths for a new source of light", Nature Nanotechnology 11, 60 (2016).
  11. C. Liu, R. van derWel, N. Rotenberg, K, Kuipers, T.F. Krauss, A. Di Falco and A. Fratalocchi*, "Triggering extreme events at the nanoscale in chaotic resonators", Nature Physics 11, 358-363 (2015).
  12. C. Liu, A. Di Falco and A. Fratalocchi*, "Dicke phase transition with multiple superradiant states in quantum chaotic resonators", Phys. Rev. X 4, 021048 (2014).
  13. C. Liu, A. Di Falco, D. Molinari, Y. Khan, B. S. Ooi, T. F. Krauss and A. Fratalocchi*, "Enhanced energy stored in chaotic optical resonator", Nature Photonics 7, 473 (2013).


as contributing author in Nature family and PNAS

  1. Q. Wang, T. Luo, X. Cao, Y. Gong, Y. Liu, Y. Xiao, H. Li, F. Groebmeyer, Y.-R. Lu, T.-S. Chan, C. Ma, K. Liu, J. Fu, S. Zhang, C. Liu , Z. Lin, L. Chai, E. Cores∗, Min Liu∗, “Lanthanide Single-Atom Catalysts for Efficient CO2-to-CO Electroreduction”, Nature Comm., accepted (2025). 
  2. J. Wang†, K. Liu†, W. Liao†, Y. Kang, H. Xiao, Y. Chen, Q. Wang, T. Luo, J. Chen, H. Li, T.-S. Chan, S. Chen, E. Pensa, L. Chai, F. Liu, L. Jiang, C. Liu, J. Fu, E. Cortes∗, M. Liu∗, “Hole Mobility Enhancement via Metal Vacancies in Semiconductor Oxides for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting ”, Nature Catalysis, accepted (2025).
  3. W. Liao, J. Wang, G. Ni, K. Liu, C. Liu , S. Chen , Q. Wang, Y. Chen, T. Luo, X. Wang,Y. Wang, W. Li, T.-S. Chan, C. Ma , H. Li, Y. Liang, W. Liu, J. Fu∗, B. Xi∗, M. Liu∗, “Sustainable conversion of alkaline nitrate to ammonia at activities greater than 2 A cm-2”, Nature Comm. 15, 1264 (2024).
  4. Y. Chen, W. Qu, T. Luo, H. Zhang, J. Fu, H. Li, C. Liu , D. Zhang, M. Liu∗, “C-F bond activation via proton donor for CF4 decomposition”, PNAS 120(52), e2312480120 (2023).
  5. D. Wang† , B. Yang†, W. Gao, H. Jia, Q. Yang, M. Wei, X. Chen, C. Liu, M. Navarro-Cia, J. Han*, W. Zhang* and S. Zhang*, “Photonic Weyl points due to broken time-reversal symmetry in magnetized semiconductor”, Nature Physics 19, 612 (2019).


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