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  • Holz KP, Cunge J, Lehfeldt R, Savic D. (2013) Hydroinformatics Vision 2011, Advances in Hydroinformatics, Springer Nature, 545-560, DOI:10.1007/978-981-4451-42-0_44.
  • Chow J-F, Savic D, Kapelan Z, Fortune D, Mebrate N. (2013) Translating Legislative Requirements and Best Practice Guidance into a Systematic, Multi-Criteria Decision Support Framework for Effective Sustainable Drainage Design Evaluation, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 35TH IAHR WORLD CONGRESS, VOLS III AND IV. [PDF]
  • Susnik J, Savic DA, Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Kapelan Z. (2013) Assessing Water Security Issues Using System Dynamics: Examples and Potential for Wider Development, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 35TH IAHR WORLD CONGRESS, VOLS III AND IV. [PDF]
  • Duncan AP, Tyrrell D, Smart N, Keedwell EC, Djordjevic S, Savic DA. (2013) Comparison of machine learning classifier models for bathing water quality exceedances in UK, IAHR35, Chengdu, China, 8th - 13th Sep 2013, Proceedings of 2013 IAHR Congress, volume 35.
  • Duncan AP, Chen AS, Keedwell EC, Djordjević S, Savić DA. (2013) RAPIDS: Early warning system for urban flooding and water quality hazards, Machine Learning in Water Systems - AISB Convention 2013, pages 25-29.
  • Wang Q, Liu S, Liu W, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2013) Decision Support System for emergency scheduling of raw water supply systems with multiple sources, FRONTIERS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, volume 7, no. 5, pages 777-786, DOI:10.1007/s11783-013-0537-9. [PDF]
  • Susnik J, Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savic DA, Kapelan Z. (2013) Integrated modelling of a coupled water-agricultural system using system dynamics, JOURNAL OF WATER AND CLIMATE CHANGE, volume 4, no. 3, pages 209-231, DOI:10.2166/wcc.2013.069. [PDF]
  • Austin R, Chen AS, Savić DA, Djordjević S. (2013) Statistical analysis of a Cellular Automata-based sewer flood model, International Conference on Flood Resilience: Experiences in Asia and Europe.
  • Austin R, Chen AS, Savić DA, Djordjević S. (2013) Fast Simulation of Sewer Flow using Cellular Automata, NOVATECH 2013.
  • Romano M, Kapelan Z, Savic DA. (2013) Geostatistical techniques for approximate location of pipe burst events in water distribution systems, JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, volume 15, no. 3, pages 634-651, DOI:10.2166/hydro.2013.094. [PDF]
  • Savic DA, Bicik J, Morley MS, Duncan A, Kapelan Z, Djordjevic S, Keedwell EC. (2013) Intelligent Urban Water Infrastructure Management, JOURNAL OF THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE, volume 93, no. 2, pages 319-336. [PDF]
  • Gibson MJ, Keedwell EC, Savić D. (2013) Understanding the efficient parallelisation of cellular automata on CPU and GPGPU hardware, GECCO 2013 - Proceedings of the 2013 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, pages 171-172, DOI:10.1145/2464576.2464660.
  • Johns MB, Keedwell E, Savic D. (2013) Pipe Smoothing Genetic Algorithm for Least Cost Water Distribution Network Design, GECCO'13: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2013 GENETIC AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION CONFERENCE, pages 1309-1316. [PDF]
  • Susnik J, Molina J-L, Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savic DA, Kapelan Z. (2013) Comparative Analysis of System Dynamics and Object-Oriented Bayesian Networks Modelling for Water Systems Management, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, volume 27, no. 3, pages 819-841, DOI:10.1007/s11269-012-0217-8. [PDF]
  • Guidolin M, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2013) Using high performance techniques to accelerate demand-driven hydraulic solvers, JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, volume 15, no. 1, pages 38-54, DOI:10.2166/hydro.2012.198. [PDF]
  • McClymont K, Keedwell E, Savic D, Randall-Smith M. (2013) A general multi-objective hyper-heuristic for water distribution network design with discolouration risk, JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, volume 15, no. 3, pages 700-716, DOI:10.2166/hydro.2012.022. [PDF]
  • Ghimire B, Chen AS, Guidolin M, Keedwell EC, Djordjevic S, Savic DA. (2013) Formulation of a fast 2D urban pluvial flood model using a cellular automata approach, JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, volume 15, no. 3, pages 676-686, DOI:10.2166/hydro.2012.245. [PDF]



  • Savić LM, Savić DA. (2011) Wave propagation in fluids: models and numerical techniques, second edition, Journal of Hydraulic Research, volume 49, no. 3, pages 420-421, DOI:10.1080/00221686.2011.584374.
  • Ward B, Savic DA. (2011) Multi-objective optimisation for sewer rehabilitation investment planning, 34th IAHR Congress 2011 - Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World, Incorporating the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and the 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, pages 4529-4536.
  • Savić DA, Giustolisi O. (2011) Simplification strategies for water distribution system modelling, 34th IAHR Congress 2011 - Balance and Uncertainty: Water in a Changing World, Incorporating the 33rd Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium and the 10th Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, pages 4259-4266.
  • Giustolisi O, Savić DA, Laucelli D, Berardi L. (2011) Testing linear solvers for WDN models, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 3.
  • Marques J, Cunha MC, Sousa J, Savić D. (2011) Robust optimization methodologies for water supply systems design, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 1.
  • Giustolisi O, Savić DA, Berardi L, Laucelli D. (2011) An excel-based solution to bring water distribution network analysis closer to users, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 3.
  • Ward B, Jorgensen J, Savić D, Rosser S. (2011) Sewerage infrastructure asset management: An approach to encapsulate effective planning, investment optimisation, enhanced data availability and efficient solution specification, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 2.
  • McClymont K, Keedwell E, Savić D, Randall-Smith M. (2011) A hyper-heuristic approach to water distribution network design, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 3.
  • Romano M, Kapelan Z, Savić DA. (2011) Geostatistical techniques for approximate location of bursts in water distribution systems, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 3.
  • Bicik J, Kapelan Z, Savić DA. (2011) Challenges in the implementation of a DSS for real-time WDS management, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 3.
  • Sušnik J, Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savić DA, Kapelan Z. (2011) Evaluating water-related security threats for complex water systems using system dynamics modelling, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 1.
  • McClymont K, Walker D, Keedwell E, Everson R, Fieldsend J, Savić D, Randall-Smith M. (2011) Novel methods for ranking district metered areas for water distribution network maintainence scheduling, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 2.
  • Liu J, Yu G, Savic D. (2011) Deficient-network simulation considering pressure-dependent demand, ICPTT 2011: Sustainable Solutions for Water, Sewer, Gas, and Oil Pipelines - Proceedings of the International Conference on Pipelines and Trenchless Technology 2011, pages 886-900, DOI:10.1061/41202(423)94.
  • Romano M, Kapelan Z, Savić DA. (2011) Burst detection and location in water distribution systems, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2011: Bearing Knowledge for Sustainability - Proceedings of the 2011 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, pages 1-10, DOI:10.1061/41173(414)1.
  • Duncan AP, Chen AS, Keedwell EC, Djordjević S, Savić DA. (2011) Urban flood prediction in real-time from weather radar and rainfall data using artificial neural networks, Weather Radar and Hydrology (WRaH) Symposium 2011.
  • Schellart A, Ochoa S, Simões N, Wang L, Rico-Ramirez M, Liguori S, Duncan A, Chen AS, Keedwell E, Djordjević S. (2011) Urban pluvial flood modelling with real time rainfall information - UK case studies, 12nd International Conference on Urban Drainage.
  • Bicik J, Kapelan Z, Makropoulos C, Savic DA. (2011) Pipe burst diagnostics using evidence theory, JOURNAL OF HYDROINFORMATICS, volume 13, no. 4, pages 596-608, DOI:10.2166/hydro.2010.201. [PDF]
  • Leandro J, Djordjevic S, Chen AS, Savic DA, Stanic M. (2011) Calibration of a 1D/1D urban flood model using 1D/2D model results in the absence of field data, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, volume 64, no. 5, pages 1016-1024, DOI:10.2166/wst.2011.467. [PDF]
  • Guidolin M, Duncan A, Keedwell EC, Chen AS, Djordjevic S, Savic DA. (2011) Design of a graphical framework for simple prototyping of pluvial flooding cellular automata algorithms, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 1.
  • Guidolin M, Savic DA, Kapelan Z. (2011) Computational performance analysis and improvment of the demand-driven hydraulic solver for the CWSNet library, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 1.
  • Ghimire B, Chen AS, Djordjević S, Savić DA. (2011) Application of cellular automata approach for fast flood simulation, Urban Water Management: Challenges and Oppurtunities - 11th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2011, volume 1.
  • . (2011) Water Distribution Systems, Thomas Telford Ltd, DOI:10.1680/wds.41127. [PDF]
  • Savic DA, Bicik J, Morley MS. (2011) A DSS generator for multiobjective optimisation of spreadsheet-based models, ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, volume 26, no. 5, pages 551-561, DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2010.11.004. [PDF]





  • Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) Chapter 8 Multi-objective optimization of water distribution system design under uncertain demand and pipe roughness, Topics on System Analysis and Integrated Water Resources Management, Elsevier, 161-172, DOI:10.1016/b978-008044967-8/50008-7.
  • Walters SE, Savic D, Hocking RJ. (2007) A Decision Support Tool for Wastewater Catchment Management, Water Practice & Technology, volume 2, no. 2, DOI:10.2166/wpt.2007.029.
  • Giustolisi O, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2007) A simulation model for detecting topological changes inawater distribution network, Restoring Our Natural Habitat - Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, DOI:10.1061/40927(243)504.
  • Giustolisi O, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2007) A hydraulic simulation model for pipe networks with leakage outflows and pressure-driven demands, Restoring Our Natural Habitat - Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, DOI:10.1061/40927(243)454.
  • Olsson RJ, Kapelan Z, Savic DA. (2007) The design and rehabilitation of water distribution systems using the hierarchical Bayesian Optimisation Algorithm, Restoring Our Natural Habitat - Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, DOI:10.1061/40927(243)497.
  • Behzadian K, Kapelan Z, Savic D, Ardeshir A. (2007) Stochastic Sampling Design for the Water Distribution Model Calibration, Proc. 9th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI), Leicester, Uk, 3rd - 6th Sep 2007.
  • de Marinis G, Gargano R, Kapelan Z, Morley MS, Savic DA, Tricarico C. (2007) The Influence of the Hydraulic Simulator in Water Distribution System Rehabilitation Analysis, Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry (CCWI2007) and Sustainable Urban Water Management (SUWM2007), Leicester, Uk.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) Enhancing the search space for Multiobjective optimisation of Water Networks, Civil-Comp Proceedings, volume 87.
  • Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) Multi-objective optimization of water distribution system design under uncertain demand and pipe roughness, DOI:10.1016/B978-008044967-8/50008-7.
  • Ivetic MV, Savic DA. (2007) Practical implications of using induced transients for leak detection, Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, volume 1, no. 1, pages 36-43, DOI:10.4090/juee.2007.v1n1.036043.
  • Kapelan Z, Giustolisi O, Savic D. (2007) Risk assessment of water supply interruptions due to mechanical pipe failures, Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2007 and Sustainable Urban Water Management, SUWM2007, pages 55-59.
  • Olsson RJ, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2007) An hBOA based methodology for the least cost design of real-life Water Distribution Systems, Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2007 and Sustainable Urban Water Management, SUWM2007, pages 455-458.
  • Doglioni A, Primativo F, Giustolisi O, Savic D. (2007) Possible scenarios of contaminant diffusion in water distribution systems: Which is the best moment and place to strike?, Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2007 and Sustainable Urban Water Management, SUWM2007, pages 257-264.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savic D, Tarnacki K, Wintgens T, Dimova G, Ribarova I. (2007) Conceptual/system dynamics modelling applied for the simulation of complex water systems, Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2007 and Sustainable Urban Water Management, SUWM2007, pages 159-167.
  • De Marinis G, Gargano R, Kapelan Z, Savic D, Tricarico C. (2007) Multiobjective optimal rehabilitation of hydraulic networks based on the cost of reliability, 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006, DOI:10.1061/40941(247)176.
  • Vamakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) Tank simulation for the optimization of water distribution networks, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, volume 133, no. 6, pages 625-636, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2007)133:6(625). [PDF]
  • Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) Calibration of water distribution hydraulic models using a Bayesian-Type procedure, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING, volume 133, no. 8, pages 927-936, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2007)133:8(927). [PDF]
  • de Marinis G, Gargano R, Kapelan Z, Morley MS, Savic DA, Tricarico C. (2007) The Influence of the Hydraulic Simulator in Water Distribution System Rehabilitation Analysis, "de Montford University, Leicester, UK.", pages 7-14.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic D, Giustolisi O, Berardi L. (2007) Development of Clean and Waste Water Pipe Failure Prediction Models Using EPR, Voda i Sanitarna Tehnika, volume 37, no. 2, pages 47-56.
  • Guo Y, Walters SE, Savic D, Walters GA, Hocking JR, McGuffog I. (2007) Integrated wastewater asset management for small catchments, "Proceeding from 6th International Conference of Novatech, Lyon, France.".
  • Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA, Kapelan ZS. (2007) Robust least-cost design of water distribution networks using redundancy and integration-based methodologies, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE, volume 133, no. 1, pages 67-77, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2007)133:1(67). [PDF]
  • di Perro F, Khu S-T, Savic DA. (2007) An Investigation on Preference Order Ranking Scheme for Multiobjective Evolutionary Optimization, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, volume 11, no. 1, pages 17-45, DOI:10.1109/TEVC.2006.876362. [PDF]
  • Giustolisi O, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2007) A hydraulic simulation model for pipe networks with leakage outflows and pressure-driven demands, Restoring Our Natural Habitat - Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
  • Chen AS, Djordjevic S, Leandro J, Savic D. (2007) The urban inundation model with bidirectional flow interaction between 2D overland surface and 1D sewer networks, Lyon, volume 1, pages 465-472.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) Calibration of water distribution hydraulic models using a Bayesian-Type procedure, ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, volume 133, no. 8, pages 927-936. [PDF]
  • Olsson RJ, Kapelan Z, Savic DA. (2007) The design and rehabilitation of water distribution systems using the hierarchical Bayesian Optimisation Algorithm, Restoring Our Natural Habitat - Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
  • Dorini G, Di Pierro F, Savic D, Piunovskiy AB. (2007) Neighbourhood search for constructing Pareto sets, MATHEMATICAL METHODS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH, volume 65, no. 2, pages 315-337, DOI:10.1007/s00186-006-0117-x. [PDF]
  • Leandro J, Djordjevic S, Chen AS, Savic D. (2007) The use of multiple-linking-element for connecting sewer and surface drainage networks, "Venice, Italy".
  • Giustolisi O, Doglioni A, Savic DA, Webb BW. (2007) A multi-model approach to analysis of environmental phenomena, ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE, volume 22, no. 5, pages 674-682, DOI:10.1016/j.envsoft.2005.12.026. [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) On Convergence of Multi-objective Pareto Front: Perturbation Method, EMO, volume 4403, pages 443-456. [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Ingeduld P, Savic D, Walters G, Svitak Z, Berka J. (2007) Real-time modelling of a major water supply system, PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS-WATER MANAGEMENT, volume 160, no. 2, pages 103-108, DOI:10.1680/wama.2007.160.2.103. [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) On convergence of multi-objective Pareto front: Perturbation method, EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-CRITERION OPTIMIZATION, PROCEEDINGS, volume 4403, pages 443-+. [PDF]
  • de M, Gargano R, Kapelan Z, Morley MS, Savic DA, Tricarico C. (2007) Extended Period Simulation in the Estimation of the Economic Level of Reliability for the Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems, "IWA and LNEC, Lisbon, Portugal".
  • Blanksby J, Saul A, Ashley R, Djordjević S, Chen A, Leandro J, Savić D, Boonya-aroonnet S, Maksimović Č, Prodanović D. (2007) Integrated Urban Drainage: Setting the context for Integrated Urban Drainage Modelling in the United Kingdom, Aquaterra World Forum on Delta and Coastal Development.
  • Djordjević S, Chen AS, Leandro J, Savić D, Boonya-aroonnet S, Maksimović Č, Prodanović D, Blanksby J, Saul A. (2007) Integrated sub-surface/surface 1D/1D and 1D/2D modelling of urban flooding, Aquaterra World Forum on Delta and Coastal Development.
  • Puust R, Kapelan Z, Savic D, Koppel T. (2007) Probabilistic leak detection in pipe networks using the SCEM-UA algorithm, 8th Annual Water Distribution Systems Analysis Symposium 2006, DOI:10.1061/40941(247)15.
  • Cutore P, Campisano A, Modica C, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2007) Stochastic forecasting of urban water consumption using Neural Networks and the SCEM-UA algorithm, Proceedings of the Combined International Conference of Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI2007 and Sustainable Urban Water Management, SUWM2007, pages 371-378.
  • Hall JW, Dawson RJ, Speight L, Djordjevic S, Savic DA, Leandro J. (2007) Sensitivity based attribution of flood risk, Lyon, volume 1, pages 123-130. [PDF]
  • Giustolisi O, Kapelan Z, Savic D. (2007) A simulation model for detecting topological changes inawater distribution network, Restoring Our Natural Habitat - Proceedings of the 2007 World Environmental and Water Resources Congress.
  • Farmani R, Abadia R, Savic D. (2007) Optimum design and management of pressurized branched irrigation networks, JOURNAL OF IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE ENGINEERING, volume 133, no. 6, pages 528-537, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9437(2007)133:6(528). [PDF]
  • Hochstrat R, Joksimovic D, Wintgens T, Melin T, Savic D. (2007) Economic considerations and decision support tool for wastewater reuse scheme planning, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, volume 56, no. 5, pages 175-182, DOI:10.2166/wst.2007.570. [PDF]
  • di Pierro F, Khu ST, Savić DA. (2007) An investigation on preference order ranking scheme for multiobjective evolutionary optimization, DOI:10.1109/TEVC.2006.876362.
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2007) On Convergence of multiobjective Pareto front: Perturbation method, LNCS 4403, pages 443-456.



  • Duarte P, Farmani R, Alegre H, Savic D, Walters G, Monteiro J. (2005) Water distribution systems optimisation and technical performance assessment: Using technical performance assessment for comparing solutions, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 2.
  • Jourdan L, Corne DW, Savic D, Walters G. (2005) LEMMO: Hybridising rule induction and NSGA II for multi-objective water systems design, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 2.
  • Giustolisi O, Laucelli D, Savic D. (2005) A decision support framework for short-time rehabilitation planning in water distribution systems, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 1.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2005) Fuzzy DSS model for water network design optimisation, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 2.
  • Babayan A, Savic D, Walters G. (2005) A semi-analytical approach to least-cost design of branched water distribution networks, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 2.
  • Berardi L, Savic D, Giustolisi O. (2005) Investigation of burst-prediction formulas for water distribution systems by evolutionary computing, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 2.
  • Tricarico C, Kapelan Z, Savic D, de Marinis G. (2005) A multiobjective optimisation approach for the rehabilitation of hydraulic networks under uncertain demands, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 2.
  • Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Multiobjective optimization for the least-cost design of water distribution systems under correlated uncertain parameters, World Water Congress 2005: Impacts of Global Climate Change - Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, DOI:10.1061/40792(173)36.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Decision-support tools for sustainable urban development, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering Sustainability, volume 158, no. 3, pages 135-142, DOI:10.1680/ensu.2005.158.3.135.
  • Savic DA, Marino MA, Savenije HHG, Bertoni JC. (2005) IHAS-AISH Publication: Preface, IAHS-AISH Publication, no. 293.
  • Farmani R, Ingeduld P, Savic D, Walters G, Svitak Z, Berka J. (2005) Hydraulic, water quality, and real-time control model of south-west Moravian regional water supply system.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2005) Fuzzy multiobjective optimization of water distribution networks, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, volume 131, no. 6, pages 467-476, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2005)131:6(467). [PDF]
  • Khu S-T, Savic DA, Liu Y. (2005) Evolutionary-based multi-objective meta-model approach for rainfall-runoff model calibration, Vienna.
  • Jourdan L, Corne D, Savic D, Walters G. (2005) Preliminary investigation of the 'learnable evolution model' for faster/better multiobjective water systems design, EVOLUTIONARY MULTI-CRITERION OPTIMIZATION, volume 3410, pages 841-855. [PDF]
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2005) Water network optimisation using fuzzy multiobjective genetic algorithms, "Rome, Civil Comp Press, UK", no. 32, pages 81-82.
  • Reis LFR, Walters GA, Savic D, Chaudhry FH. (2005) Multi-reservoir operation planning using hybrid genetic algorithm and linear programming (GA-LP): An alternative stochastic approach, WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, volume 19, no. 6, pages 831-848, DOI:10.1007/s11269-005-6813-0. [PDF]
  • Bixio D, De Heyder B, Cikurel H, Muston M, Miska V, Joksimovic D, Schäfer AI, Ravazzini A, Aharoni A, Savic D. (2005) Municipal wastewater reclamation:: Where do we stand?: An overview of treatment technology and management practice, 4th World Water Congress: Innovation in Water Supply - Reuse and Efficiency, volume 5, no. 1, pages 77-85, DOI:10.2166/ws.2005.0010. [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2005) Trade-off between total cost and reliability for Anytown water distribution network, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, volume 131, no. 3, pages 161-171, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2005)131:3(161). [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) An efficient sampling-based approach for the robust rehabilitation of water distribution systems under correlated nodal demands, World Water Congress 2005: Impacts of Global Climate Change - Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, DOI:10.1061/40792(173)16.
  • Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Multiobjective design of water distribution systems under uncertainty, WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, volume 41, no. 11, article no. ARTN W11407, DOI:10.1029/2004WR003787. [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walter GA. (2005) Advanced calibration of water distribution models using the Bayesian type procedure, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI 2005: Water Management for the 21st Century, volume 1.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2005) Water network optimisation using fuzzy multiobjective genetic algorithms, "Rome, Civil Comp Press, UK", no. 32, pages 81-82.
  • Farmani R, Wright JA, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Self-adaptive fitness formulation for evolutionary constrained optimization of water systems, JOURNAL OF COMPUTING IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, volume 19, no. 2, pages 212-216, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0887-3801(2005)19:2(212). [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Multiobjective Design of Water Distribution Systems under Uncertainty, Water Resources Research, volume 41, no. 11.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Savic DA. (2005) Fuzzy logic.
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Evolutionary multi-objective optimization in water distribution network design, ENGINEERING OPTIMIZATION, volume 37, no. 2, pages 167-183, DOI:10.1080/03052150512331303436. [PDF]
  • di Pierro F, Djordjevic S, Kapelan Z, Khu ST, Savic D, Walters GA. (2005) Automatic calibration of urban drainage model using a novel multi-objective genetic algorithm, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, volume 52, no. 5, pages 43-52, DOI:10.2166/wst.2005.0105. [PDF]
  • Van Zyl JE, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Extended-period modeling of water pipe networks - a new approach, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, volume 43, no. 6, pages 678-688, DOI:10.1080/00221680509500387. [PDF]
  • Savic D, Djordjevic S, Dorini G, Shepherd W, Cashman A, Saul A. (2005) COST-S: a new methodology and tools for sewerage asset management based on whole life costs, Water Asset Management International, volume 1, no. 4, pages 20-24. [PDF]
  • Chaudhry F, Reis L, Savic D, Walters GA. (2005) Multi-reservoir operation planning using hybrid genetic algorithm and linear programming (GA-LP): an alternative stochastic approach, Water Resources Management, volume 19, no. 6, pages 831-848.
  • Vamvakeridou-Lyroudia LS, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2005) Fuzzy DSS model for water network design optimisation, "University of Exeter, Sept. 2005", volume 2, pages 87-92.
  • Jourdan L, Come D, Savic D, Walters G. (2005) Hybridising rule induction and multi-objective evolutionary search for optimising water distribution systems, HIS'04: FOURTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYBRID INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, pages 434-439. [PDF]
  • Bixio D, De H, Cikurel H, Muston M, Miska V, Joksimovic D, Sch�fer AI, Ravazzini A, Aharoni A, Savic DA. (2005) Municipal wastewater reclamation: where do we stand? An overview of treatment technology and management practice, Water Science and Technology, volume 5, no. 1, pages 77-85.
  • Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Optimal sampling design methodologies for water distribution model calibration, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING-ASCE, volume 131, no. 3, pages 190-200, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9429(2005)131:3(190). [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2005) Fuzzy rules for hydraulic reliability-based design and operation of water distribution systems, World Water Congress 2005: Impacts of Global Climate Change - Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, DOI:10.1061/40792(173)21.
  • Babayan A, Kapelan Z, Savic D, Walters G. (2005) Least-cost design of water distribution networks under demand uncertainty, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE, volume 131, no. 5, pages 375-382, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2005)131:5(375). [PDF]
  • Djordjevic S, Prodanovic D, Maksimovic C, Ivetic M, Savic D. (2005) SIPSON - Simulation of interaction between pipe flow and surface overland flow in networks, WATER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, volume 52, no. 5, pages 275-283, DOI:10.2166/wst.2005.0143. [PDF]
  • di P, Djordjevic S, Kapelan Z, Khu S-T, Savic D, Walters G. (2005) Automatic calibration of urban drainage model using a novel multi-objective genetic algorithm, Water Science & Technology, volume 52, no. 5, pages 43-52. [PDF]


  • Morley MS, Makropoulos CK, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Decision-Support System Workbench for Sustainable Water Management Problems, 2nd Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Osnabrück, Germany, Complexity and Integrated Resources Management.
  • Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Evolutionary computing in water distribution and wastewater systems, Bridging the Gap: Meeting the World's Water and Environmental Resources Challenges - Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, volume 111, DOI:10.1061/40569(2001)65.
  • Engelhardt MO, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Using genetic algorithms in the UK water industry, Joint Conference on Water Resource Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management 2000: Building Partnerships, volume 104, DOI:10.1061/40517(2000)204.
  • Savic DA, Walters GA, Smith MR, Atkinson RM. (2004) Cost savings on large water distribution systems: Design through genetic algorithm optimisation, Joint Conference on Water Resource Engineering and Water Resources Planning and Management 2000: Building Partnerships, volume 104, DOI:10.1061/40517(2000)200.
  • Carrijo IB, Reis LFR, Walters GA, Savic D. (2004) Operational optimization of WDS based on multiobjective genetic algorithms and operational extraction rules using data mining, Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmetal Resources Congress: Critical Transitions in Water and Environmetal Resources Management, pages 4475-4482.
  • di Pierro F, Djordjevic S, Kapelan Z, Khu S-T, Savic DGAW. (2004) Automatic calibration of urban drainage model using a novel multi-objective genetic algorithm, "Dresden, Germany, 15-17 September".
  • di Pierro F, Khu ST, Djordjevic S, Savic DA. (2004) An Investigation on Preference Ordering Ranking Scheme in Multi Objective Evolutionary Optimisation.
  • Farmani R, Wright JA, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2004) Self-adaptive fitness formulation: Theory and Application, WSEAS transactions on circuits and systems, volume 3, pages 189-198.
  • Farmani R, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2004) Multi-objective optimization of cost, reliability and water quality of Anytown system in relation to dual objective optimization.
  • Prasad TD, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2004) Booster disinfection of water supply networks: Multiobjective approach, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, volume 130, no. 5, pages 367-376, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2004)130:5(367). [PDF]
  • Khu ST, Liu Y, Savic DA, Madsen H. (2004) A fast calibration technique using hydrid genetic algorithm � neural network approach: an application to rainfall-runoff modelling. [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Optimal Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Systems under Uncertain Demands, 6th Int. Conf. on Hydroinformatics, Singapore.
  • Kapelan Z, Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA, Khu ST. (2004) Two new approaches for the stochastic least cost design of water distribution systems, 4TH WORLD WATER CONGRESS: INNOVATION IN DRINKING WATER TREATMENT, volume 4, no. 5-6, pages 355-363, DOI:10.2166/ws.2004.0126. [PDF]
  • Babayan AV, Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Comparison of two approaches for the least cost design of water distribution systems under uncertain demands, Proceedings of the 2004 World Water and Environmetal Resources Congress: Critical Transitions in Water and Environmetal Resources Management, pages 4563-4572.
  • Giustolisi O, Doglioni A, Savic,D, di Pierro F. (2004) A new multiobjective strategy to support model selection for environmental modelling.
  • Van Zyl JE, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) An explicit integration technique for dynamic modeling of water distribution systems, Bridging the Gap: Meeting the World's Water and Environmental Resources Challenges - Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, volume 111, DOI:10.1061/40569(2001)384.
  • di Pierro F, Khu ST, Djordjevic S, Savic DA. (2004) A New Genetic Algorithm to Solve Effectively Highly Multi-Objective Problems: POGA.
  • Farmani R, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2004) The Simultaneous Optimization of Anytown Pipe Rehabilitation, Tank Sizing, Tank Siting and Pump Operation Schedules.
  • Skipworth PJ, Cashman A, Engelhardt MO, Saul AJ, Savic D. (2004) Quantification of mains failure behaviour in a whole life costing approach to distribution system management, Bridging the Gap: Meeting the World's Water and Environmental Resources Challenges - Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress 2001, volume 111, DOI:10.1061/40569(2001)401.
  • Jonkergouw PMR, Khu ST, Savic DA. (2004) Chlorine: An indicator for intentional chemical and biological contamination of a water distribution, "Vienna, Austria.".
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) EXNET benchmark problem for multi-objective optimization of large water systems.
  • Kapelan Z, Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA, Khu ST. (2004) Two new approaches for the stochastic least cost design of water distribution systems, Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, volume 4, no. 5-6, pages 355-363, DOI:10.2166/ws.2004.0126.
  • Liu Y, Khu ST, Savic D. (2004) A hybrid optimization method of multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) and K-nearest neighbor (KNN) classifier for hydrological model calibration, INTELLIGENT DAA ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATED LEARNING IDEAL 2004, PROCEEDINGS, volume 3177, pages 546-551. [PDF]
  • Khu ST, Savic DA, Liu Y, Madsen H. (2004) A fast Evolutionary-based meta-modelling approach for the calibration of a rainfall-runoff model, Osnabruck.
  • van Zyl JE, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Operational optimization of water distribution systems using a hybrid genetic algorithm, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, volume 130, no. 2, pages 160-170, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2004)130:2(160). [PDF]
  • Liu Y, Khu S-T, Savic DA. (2004) A Hybrid Optimization Method of Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) and K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Classifier for Hydrological Model Calibration, IDEAL, volume 3177, pages 546-551. [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2004) Incorporation of prior information on parameters in inverse transient analysis for leak detection and roughness calibration, URBAN WATER JOURNAL, volume 1, no. 2, pages 129-143, DOI:10.1080/15730620412331290029. [PDF]
  • Van Zyl JE, Savic D, Walters GA. (2004) Operational optimization of water distribution systems using a hybrid genetic algorithm method, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE, volume 130, no. 2, pages 160-170, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2004)130:2(160). [PDF]


  • Walski TM, Chase DV, Savic DA, Grayman WM, Beckwith S, Koelle E. (2003) Advanced water distribution modeling and management.
  • Prasad TD, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2003) Booster Disinfection Facility Location using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms, IICAI, pages 163-173. [PDF]
  • Savic LJ, Savic DA. (2003) Overview of risk management methods for dam safety (in Serbian), "'Second Congress of the Yugoslav Society for Large Dams, 7-10 Oct 2003, Kladovo, Serbia'".
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA, Covas D, Stoianov I, Graham N, Maksimovic C, Butler D. (2003) Inverse transient analysis in pipe networks for leakage detection, quantification and roughness calibration, "'30th IAHR Congress, Thesssaloniki (Greece)'", pages 393-400.
  • Farmani R, Wright JA, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2003) Self-adaptive fitness formulation: Theory and Application, "Athens, Greece, December 29-31".
  • Davidson JW, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Symbolic and numerical regression: experiments and applications, INFORMATION SCIENCES, volume 150, no. 1-2, pages 95-117, article no. PII S0020-0255(02)00371-7, DOI:10.1016/S0020-0255(02)00371-7. [PDF]
  • Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Least-cost design of water distribution networks under uncertain demand, ADVANCES IN WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, pages 139-146. [PDF]
  • Bragalli C, Savic DA, Keedwell E. (2003) Water quality in multi-objective genetic algorithms for Integrated Design Support of water distribution networks, "'Proc. of the IWA-IAHR joint conference: Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems PEDS 2003, Netherlands: Balkema'", pages 27-35.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic D, Walters GA, Covas D, Graham IN, Maksimovic C. (2003) An assessment of the application of inverse transient analysis for leak detection: Part I - Theoretical considerations, ADVANCES IN WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, pages 71-78. [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic D, Walters GA. (2003) Robust least cost design of water distribution systems using GAS, ADVANCES IN WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, pages 147-155. [PDF]
  • Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) A hybrid inverse transient model for leakage detection and roughness calibration in pipe networks, JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC RESEARCH, volume 41, no. 5, pages 481-492, DOI:10.1080/00221680309499993. [PDF]
  • Thorne JM, Savic DA, Weston A. (2003) Optimised conjunctive control rules for a system of water supply sources: Roadford Reservoir System (UK), WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT, volume 17, no. 3, pages 183-196, DOI:10.1023/A:1024157210054. [PDF]
  • Covas D, Graham N, Maksimovic C, Kapelan Z, Savic D, Walters G. (2003) An assessment of the application of inverse transient analysis for leak detection: Part II - Collection and application of experimental data, ADVANCES IN WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, pages 79-87. [PDF]
  • Babayan AV, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Design of water distribution networks under uncertain demand, "'Proc. of the IWA-IAHR joint conference: Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems PEDS 2003, Netherlands: Balkema'", pages 137-144.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Optimal sampling design for calibration of transient network models using multiobjective GAs, "'Conference on Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management, Valencia (Spain)'", volume 1, pages 181-188.
  • Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Multiobjective sampling design for water distribution model calibration, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE, volume 129, no. 6, pages 466-479, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2003)129:6(466). [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2003) Multi-objective optimization of water systems: A comparative study, "'Proc. of the IWA-IAHR joint conference: Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems PEDS 2003, Netherlands: Balkema'", pages 247-256.
  • Bessler FT, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Water reservoir control with data mining, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT-ASCE, volume 129, no. 1, pages 26-34, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9496(2003)129:1(26). [PDF]
  • Farmani R, Prasad,T.Devi,Walters,G.A., Savic DA. (2003) Multi-criteria decision making in water systems, "-7 September 2003, Dresden, Germany", pages 103-112.
  • Farmani R, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2003) Benchmark problems for design and optimisation of water distribution systems, ADVANCES IN WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT, pages 249-256. [PDF]
  • Engelhardt M, Savic D, Skipworth P, Cashman A, Saul A, Walters G. (2003) Whole life-costing: application to water distribution network, 3RD WORLD WATER CONGRESS: WATER SERVICES MANAGEMENT, OPERATIONS AND MONITORING, volume 3, no. 1-2, pages 87-93, DOI:10.2166/ws.2003.0090. [PDF]


  • Engelhardt M, Skipworth P, Savic DA, Cashman A, Walters GA, Saul AJ. (2002) Determining maintenance requirements of a water distribution network using whole life costing, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, volume 8, no. 2, pages 152-164, DOI:10.1108/13552510210430026.
  • Snyder JK, Deb AK, Grablutz FM, McCammon SB, Grayman WM, Okun DA, Clark RM, Savic D, Tyler SM. (2002) Impacts of fire flow on distribution system water quality, design, and operation, American Water Works Association.
  • Skipworth P, Engelhardt MO, Cashman A, Savic DA, Saul AJ, Walters GA. (2002) Whole life costing for water distribution network management, Thomas Telford Services Ltd.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Multi-objective Sampling Design for Water Distribution Model Calibration, "Proc. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management, Johannesburg (RSA), CD-ROM edition. (2002)".
  • Bessler FT, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Pipe burst risk analysis with data mining, "'The Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hydroinformatics 2002, July 1-5, Cardiff, UK'", volume 1, pages 783-788.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Multi-objective GA solution to problem of optimal sampling design for WDS hydraulic model calibration, "'The Fifth International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Hydroinformatics 2002, July 1-5, Cardiff, UK'", volume 2, pages 1435-1440.
  • Kapelan ZS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) A hybrid search technique for inverse transient analysis in water distribution systems, ADAPTIVE COMPUTING IN DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE V, pages 75-86. [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Optimal Sampling Design for Water Distribution Model Calibration (in Serbian), "'Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the Yugoslav Association of Hydraulic Research, Sokobanja, Yugoslavia'".
  • Engelhardt M, Skipworth MP, Savic DA, Walters GA, Saul A, Cashman A. (2002) WiLCO: Whole Life Costing Software, "First Symposium on Environmental and Water Resources Systems Analysis, ASCE, May 19-22, Roanoke, Virginia, (proceeding published on CD)", pages 10-10.
  • Cashman A, Saul AJ, Savic DA, Ashley R. (2002) Whole life costing approach to sewer asset management, "'Sewer Operation and Maintenance, University of Bradford, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 8-8.
  • Keedwell E, Narayanan A, Savic D. (2002) Modelling gene regulatory data using artificial neural networks, PROCEEDING OF THE 2002 INTERNATIONAL JOINT CONFERENCE ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOLS 1-3, pages 183-188, DOI:10.1109/IJCNN.2002.1005466. [PDF]
  • Ivetic M, Savic DA. (2002) Leakage Detection in Pipelines and Distribution Systems Using Induced Transient Events (in Serbian), "Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the Yugoslav Association of Hydraulic Research, Sokobanja, Yugoslavia".
  • Fullerton JN, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2002) Simplified modelling of storm water flows for optimisation, HYDRAULIC INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, volume 10, pages 133-142. [PDF]
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Hybrid GA for Calibration of Water Distribution System Hydraulic Models, "'First Symposium on Environmental and Water Resources Systems Analysis, ASCE, May 19-22, (2002) Roanoke, Virginia, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 10-10.
  • Walters GA, Fullerton JN, Savic DA, Long R. (2002) Decision Support Software for Optioneering: a Feasibility Study, "'Sewer Operation and Maintenance, University of Bradford, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 8-8.
  • Keedwell E, Narayanan A, Savic D. (2002) Modelling gene regulatory data using artificial neural networks, Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, volume 1, pages 183-188.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Multi-objective Sampling Design for Water Distribution Model Calibration, "Proc. 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management, Johannesburg (RSA), CD-ROM edition. (2002)".
  • Van Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2002) Accuracy Issues in Extended Period Modelling of Water Distribution Systems, "'First Symposium on Environmental and Water Resources Systems Analysis, ASCE, May 19-22 (2002), Roanoke, Virginia, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 10-10.


  • Skipworth PJ, Cashman A, Engelhardt MO, Saul AJ, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) Incorporation of Leakage in a Whole Life Costing Approach to Distribution Network Management, "'Water Software Systems: Theory and Applications, Research Studies Press, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England'", volume 1, pages 49-59.
  • Bessler FT, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) Water System Reliability Predictions Using Data Mining, "'World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20-24, Orlando, Florida, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 10-10.
  • Engelhardt MO, Skipworth MP, Cashman A, Savic DA, Walters GA, Saul A. (2001) Incorporation of Water Quality in a Whole Life Costing Approach to Distribution Network Management, "'Proc. of 4th International Conference on Water Pipeline Systems, York, UK: 28-30 March, BHR Group, Cranfield, UK,'", pages 25-44.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) Use of Prior Information on Parameters in Inverse Transient Analysis for Leak Detection and Roughness Calibration, "'World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20-24, Orlando, Florida, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 10-10.
  • Davidson JW, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) Symbolic and numerical regression: Experiments and applications, DEVELOPMENTS IN SOFT COMPUTING, pages 175-182. [PDF]
  • Miller I, Kapelan Z, Savic DA. (2001) GAasset: Fast Optimisation Tool for Strategic Investment Planning in the Water Industry, "'Proc. of 4th International Conference on Water Pipeline Systems, York, UK: 28-30 March, BHR Group, Cranfield, UK,'", pages 277-292.
  • Keedwell E, Narayanan A, Savic DA. (2001) Creating rules from trained neural networks using genetic algorithms, "'International Journal of Computers, Systems and Signals, 1, 2001. ISSN 1608-5655'", pages 30-43.
  • Morley MS, Atkinson RM, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) GAnet:: genetic algorithm platform for pipe network optimisation, ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING SOFTWARE, volume 32, no. 6, pages 467-475, DOI:10.1016/S0965-9978(00)00107-1. [PDF]
  • Gill E, Parker M, Savić D, Walters G. (2001) Cougar: A genetic algorithm and rapid integrated catchment modelling application for optimising capital investment in combined sewer systems, Urban Drainage Modeling, pages 797-807.
  • Van Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) A hybrid method for operational optimization of water distribution systems, "'Water Software Systems: Theory and Applications, Research Studies Press, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England'", volume 2, pages 89-97.
  • Bessler FT, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) Water System Reliability Predictions Using Data Mining, "'World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20-24, Orlando, Florida, (proceeding published on CD)'", pages 10-10.
  • Kapelan Z, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2001) Optimal Sampling Design Methods for Calibration of Water Supply Network Models, "'Water Software Systems: Theory and Applications, Research Studies Press, Baldock, Hertfordshire, England'", volume 1, pages 99-109.


  • Morley MS, Atkinson RM, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2000) OpenNet: An application-independent framework for hydraulic network representation, manipulation and dissemination, 4th Hydroinformatics Conference of the International Association for Hydraulic Research, Iowa City, Usa.
  • Savic D, Walters G. (2000) Water systems and evolution, Water and Environment Manager, volume 5, no. 3, pages 20-21.
  • Savic DA, Walters GA. (2000) Water network modelling for optimal design and management.
  • Davidson JW, Savic DA, Walters GA. (2000) Approximators for the Colebrook-White formula obtained through a hybrid regression method, COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN WATER RESOURCES, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 983-989. [PDF]
  • Keedwell E, Bessler F, Narayanan A, Savic D. (2000) From data mining to rule refining - A new tool for post data mining rule optimisation, 12TH IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TOOLS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, PROCEEDINGS, pages 82-85, DOI:10.1109/TAI.2000.889849. [PDF]
  • De Schaetzen WBF, Walters GA, Savic DA. (2000) Optimal sampling design for model calibration using shortest path, genetic and entropy algorithms, Urban Water, volume 2, no. 2, pages 141-152, DOI:10.1016/s1462-0758(00)00052-2.
  • Davidson JW, Savic D, Walters GA. (2000) Symbolic and numerical regression: A hybrid technique for polynomial approximators, SOFT COMPUTING TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS, pages 111-116. [PDF]
  • Keedwell E, Narayanan A, Savic D. (2000) Evolving rules from neural networks trained on continuous data, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2000 CONGRESS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 639-645. [PDF]



  • de Schaetzen WBF, Savic DA, Walters GA. (1998) A Genetic Algorithm approach to pump scheduling in water supply systems, HYDROINFORMATICS '98, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 897-899. [PDF]
  • Bakkoury Z, Ouazar D, Walters G, Savic D. (1998) EVAPRO: A computer based system for water supply project appraisal, HYDROINFORMATICS '98, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 553-559. [PDF]
  • Atkinson RM, Morley MS, Walters GA, Savic D. (1998) GANET: The integration of GIS, network analysis and genetic algorithm optimization software for water network analysis, HYDROINFORMATICS '98, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 357-362. [PDF]
  • Atkinson RM, Morley MS, Savic DA, Walters GA. (1998) The Integration of GIS, Network Analysis and Genetic Algorithm Optimization Software for Water Network Analysis, "Balkema, Rotterdam, Netherlands", pages 357-362.
  • Walters G, Savic D, Morley M, de Schaetzen W, Atkinson R. (1998) Calibration of water distribution network models using genetic algorithms, HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING SOFTWARE VII, volume 4, pages 131-140. [PDF]








  • Savic DA, Simonovic SP. (1989) Introduction of fuzzy reasoning in intelligent decision support for reservoir analysis.
  • Simonovic SP, Savic DA. (1989) Intelligent decision support and reservoir management and operations, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, volume 3, no. 4, pages 367-385, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0887-3801(1989)3:4(367).
  • Savic DA, Simonovic SP. (1989) Introduction of fuzzy reasoning in intelligent decision support for reservoir analysis.


  • Savic DA, Simonovic SP. (1988) Pilot intelligent decision-support system for reservoir optimization.

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