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| 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 | Patents |


  • Motamedi Zoka H, Tabor G, Moxey D, Page M, Stokes M. (2024) MULTI-POINT AERODYNAMIC OPTIMIZATION OF A BACKWARD-CURVED IMPELLER FAN, ASME2024 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, London, England, 24th - 28th Jun 2024.
  • Roberts AP, Rahat AA-AM, Jarman DS, Fieldsend JE, Tabor GR. (2024) Shape optimisation of a hydrodynamic separator using expensive and constrained multi-objective computational modelling, DOI:10.21203/
  • Laughton E. (2024) Enabling efficient high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for moving geometries.
  • Daly G. (2024) Seeing plasmas as latent spaces: Virtual metrology and surrogate plasma models with deep generative models.



  • Smith R. (2022) A Comparison Between CFD-Based Aerodynamic Models and BEM Theory-Based Models Applied in Coupled Simulations of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines.
  • Huang L, Li Y, Benites-Munoz D, Windt CW, Feichtner A, Tavakoli S, Davidson J, Paredes R, Quintuna T, Ransley E. (2022) A Review on the Modelling of Wave-Structure Interactions Based on OpenFOAM, OpenFOAM® Journal, volume 2, pages 116-142, DOI:10.51560/ofj.v2.65.
  • Tabor G. (2022) Implementation of a Modified Lid Driven Cavity in OpenFOAM, OpenFOAM® Journal, volume 2, pages 62-80, DOI:10.51560/ofj.v2.54. [PDF]
  • Daly GA, Fieldsend JE, Tabor G. (2022) Variational Autoencoders Without the Variation. [PDF]
  • Feichtner A. (2022) CFD modelling of ocean wave interaction with thin perforated structures represented by their macro-scale effects.




  • Tabor GR. (2019) CFD Analysis and Optimisation of Tidal Turbine Arrays Using OpenFOAM®, OPENFOAM(R), pages 51-64, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-60846-4_4. [PDF]
  • Daniels S, Rahat A, Tabor G, Fieldsend J, Everson R. (2019) A Review of Shape Distortion Methods Available in the OpenFOAM® Framework for Automated Design Optimisation, OPENFOAM(R), pages 389-399, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-60846-4_28. [PDF]
  • Daniels SJ, Rahat AAM, Tabor GR, Fieldsend JE, Everson RM. (2019) Automated shape optimisation of a plane asymmetric diffuser using combined Computational Fluid Dynamic simulations and multi-objective Bayesian methodology, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, volume 33, no. 6-7, pages 256-271, DOI:10.1080/10618562.2019.1683165.
  • Khenien A, Benattayallah A, Tabor G. (2019) CFD simulation of an industrial spiral refrigeration system, Energies, volume 12, no. 17, DOI:10.3390/en12173358.
  • Drikakis D, Frank M, Tabor G. (2019) Multiscale computational fluid dynamics, Energies, volume 12, no. 17, DOI:10.3390/en12173272.
  • Riella M, Kahraman R, Tabor GR. (2019) Fully-coupled pressure-based two-fluid solver for the solution of turbulent fluid-particle systems, Computers & Fluids, volume 192, pages 104275-104275, article no. 104275, DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.104275. [PDF]
  • Riella M, Kahraman R, Tabor GR. (2019) Near-wall modelling in Eulerian–Eulerian simulations, Computers and Fluids, volume 190, pages 206-216, DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2019.06.013.
  • Riella M. (2019) Turbulence modelling of fluid-particle interaction.
  • Feichtner A, Mackay EBL, Tabor G, Thies P, Johanning L. (2019) Modelling Wave Interaction with Thin Porous Structures using OpenFOAM, 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, Napoli, Italy, 1st - 6th Sep 2019.
  • Kahraman R, Riella M, Tabor GR, Ebrahimi M, Djordjevic S, Kripakaran P. (2019) Prediction of flow around a sharp-nosed bridge pier: Influence of the Froude number and free surface variation on the flow field (dataset). [PDF]
  • Akrami M, Javadi A, Hassanein M, Farmani R, Tabor G, Negm A, Fath HES. (2019) Analysing greenhouse ventilation using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference 2019, London, United Kingdom, 10th - 12th Apr 2019,
  • Chan LC, Akrami M, Javadi A, Tabor GR, Dibaj M, Khanjanpour MH. (2019) Optimisation of a conceptual aircraft model using a genetic algorithm and 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), UK Association for Computational Mechanics Conference 2019, London, United Kingdom, 10th - 12th Apr 2019,
  • Smith RE, Pillai AC, Tabor G, Thies PR, Johanning L. (2019) Impact of Rotor Misalignment Due to Platform Motions on Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Blade Loads, Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE2019, Glasgow, Uk, 9th - 14th Jun 2019.



  • Said R, Young P, Tabor G, Howell J. (2017) AN EFFICIENT APPROACH FOR CONVERTING PATIENT-SPECIFIC SCANS INTO HIGHLY ACCURATE COMPUTATIONAL MODELS(1E1 Computational Biomechanics), The Proceedings of the Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics emerging science and technology in biomechanics, volume 2007.3, no. 0, DOI:10.1299/jsmeapbio.2007.3.s75.
  • Kripakaran P, Walter L, Kahraman R, Riella M, Ebrahimi M, Tabor G, Djordjevic S. (2017) Flood Resilience of Masonry Bridges: Analysing Structural Performance of Bridges under Hydrodynamic Forces and Scour, SHMII-8, Brisbane, Australia, 5th - 8th Dec 2017.
  • García-Oliva M, Djordjević S, Tabor GR. (2017) The impacts of tidal turbines on water levels in a shallow estuary, International Journal of Marine Energy, volume 19, pages 177-197, DOI:10.1016/j.ijome.2017.07.006.
  • Daniels SJ, Rahat A, Tabor G, Fieldsend J, Everson R. (2017) Automatic shape optimisation of the turbine-99 draft tube, 12th OpenFOAM Workshop, University Of Exeter, Devon, Uk, 24th - 27th Jul 2017.
  • Garcia-Oliva M, Djordjević S, Tabor GR. (2017) The influence of channel geometry on tidal energy extraction in estuaries, Renewable Energy, volume 101, pages 514-525, DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2016.09.009.


  • Daniels SJ, Rahat A, Tabor G, Fieldsend J, Everson R. (2016) Shape optimisation using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Evolutionary Algorithms, 11th OpenFOAM Workshop, Vila Flor Cultural Centre, Guimarães, Portugal, 26th - 30th Jun 2016.
  • Ebrahimi M, Kripakaran P, Djordjević S, Tabor G, Kahraman R, Prodanović DM, Arthur S. (2016) Hydrodynamic effects of debris blockage and scour on masonry bridges: Towards experimental modelling, Scour and Erosion - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, ICSE 2016, pages 743-750, DOI:10.1201/9781315375045-93.
  • Ebrahimi M, Kripakaran P, Djordjevic S, Tabor G, Kahraman R, Prodanović D, Arthur S. (2016) Hydrodynamic Effects of Debris Blockage and Scour on Masonry Bridges: Towards Experimental Modelling, 8th International Conference on Scour and Erosion, Oxford, 12th - 15th Sep 2016,
  • Moore WOW, Mala-Jetmarova H, Gebreslassie M, Tabor GR, Belmont MR, Savic DA. (2016) Comparison of multiple surrogates for 3D CFD model in tidal farm optimisation, 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HYDROINFORMATICS (HIC 2016) - SMART WATER FOR THE FUTURE, volume 154, pages 1132-1139, DOI:10.1016/j.proeng.2016.07.523. [PDF]
  • Gebreslassie MG, Sanchez SO, Tabor GR, Belmont MR, Bruce T, Payne GS, Moon I. (2016) Experimental and CFD analysis of the wake characteristics of tidal turbines, International Journal of Marine Energy, volume 16, pages 209-219, DOI:10.1016/j.ijome.2016.07.001.
  • Lopes P, Tabor G, Carvalho RF, Leandro J. (2016) Explicit calculation of natural aeration using a Volume-of-Fluid model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, volume 40, no. 17-18, pages 7504-7515, DOI:10.1016/j.apm.2016.03.033.





  • Fabritius B, Tabor G. (2012) Use of evolutionary algorithm in the analysis and optimisation of turbulence models, 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2012.
  • Fabritius B, Tabor G. (2012) Use of evolutionary algorithm in the analysis and optimisation of turbulence models, 7th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2012.
  • Gebreslassie MG, Tabor GR, Belmont MR. (2012) CFD Simulations for Sensitivity Analysis of Different Parameters to the Wake Characteristics of Tidal Turbine, Open Journal of Fluid Dynamics, volume 2, pages 56-64, article no. 3.
  • Gebreslassie MG, Tabor GR, Belmont MR. (2012) CFD simulations for investigating the wake states of a new class of tidal turbine, Journal of renewable energy and power quality (JRE&PQ), volume 10.



  • Arkill KP, Moger J, MacDonald AJ, McHale NG, Young PG, Tabor GR, Winlove CP. (2010) The Mechanics of Collecting Lymphatic Vessels, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL PATHOLOGY, volume 91, no. 6, pages A35-A35. [PDF]
  • Baker MJ, Tabor GR. (2010) Computational analysis of transitional airflow through packed columns of spheres using the finite volume technique, Computers and Chemical Engineering, volume 34, pages 878-885.
  • Tabor GR, Baba-Ahmadi MH. (2010) Inlet conditions for large eddy simulation: A review, Computers and Fluids, volume 39, no. 4, pages 553-567, DOI:10.1016/j.compfluid.2009.10.007.



  • Said R, Chang J, Young P, Tabor G, Coward S. (2008) Image-based meshing of patient-specific data: Converting medical scans into highly accurate computational models, 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, iCBBE 2008, pages 1672-1675, DOI:10.1109/ICBBE.2008.747.
  • Baba-Ahmadi MH, Tabor G. (2008) Inlet Conditions for LES of gas-turbine swirl injectors, AIAA.J, volume 46, no. 7, pages 1782-1790.
  • Tabor G, Yeo O, Young PG, Laity P. (2008) CFD simulation of flow through an open-cell foam, Int.J.Modern Physics C, volume 19, no. 5, pages 703-715.
  • Tabor G, Yeo O, Young PG, Laity P. (2008) CFD simulation of flow through an open-cell foam, Int.J.Modern Physics C, volume 19, no. 5, pages 703-715.
  • Macdonald AJ, Arkill KP, Tabor GR, McHale NG, Winlove CP. (2008) Modeling flow in collecting lymphatic vessels: one-dimensional flow through a series of contractile elements, Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, volume 295, no. 1, pages H305-H313, DOI:10.1152/ajpheart.00004.2008. [PDF]
  • Baba-Ahmadi MH, Tabor GR. (2008) Inlet conditions for large eddy simulation of gas-turbine swirl injectors, AIAA Journal, volume 46, no. 7, pages 1782-1790, DOI:10.2514/1.35259.
  • Xuan VB, Young PG, Tabor GR, Collins T, Said R, Gomes M, Martins-Augusto VMB. (2008) Direct approach for constructing volumetric meshes from 3D image data, Proceedings of VIPIMAGE 2007 - 1st ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Vision and Medical Image Processing, pages 147-150.
  • Baba-Ahmadi MH, Tabor GR. (2008) Inlet conditions for LES using Mapping and Feedback Control, Computers and Fluids.


  • Young P, Beresford-West T, Tabor G, Chang J. (2007) NEW TOOLS FOR GENERATING NUMERICAL MODELS FROM SCAN DATA, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 40, DOI:10.1016/s0021-9290(07)70153-7.
  • Jarman DS, Faram MG, Tabor G, Butler D. (2007) A review of the opportunities presented through the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)to water management challenges, Water Management Challenges in Global Change. CCWI2007 and SUWM2007, Leicester.
  • Tabor G, Young P G, Beresford W T, Benattayallah A. (2007) Mesh Construction from Medical Imaging from Multiphsycs Simulation: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Complex Geometries, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, volume 1, no. 2, pages 126-136. [PDF]
  • Tabor GR, Beard MA, Evans KE, Ritchie SJK. (2007) Numerical investigation and visualisation of polymer behavior within a capillary die, Polymer Engineering & Science, volume 47, no. 10, pages 1688-1694, DOI:10.1002/pen.20857.
  • Tabor GR, Collins T, Young P. (2007) A computational fluid dynamics study of inspiratory flow in orotracheal geometries , Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, volume 45, no. 9, pages 829-836, DOI:10.1007/s11517-007-0238-2.
  • Tabor G, Young PG, West T, Benattayallah A. (2007) Mesh construction from medical imaging for Multiphysics simulation: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Complex Geometries, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics 1#2, volume 1, no. 2, pages 126-136.
  • B�i X, Young P, Tabor G, Limbert G. (2007) Three-Dimensional Imaging Techniques for Material Characterisation, Stirlingshire: Civil-Comp Press/2-3 April 2007 Glasgow.
  • Young PG, Said R, Tabor G. (2007) Automated Meshing of 3D Imaging Data: New Clinical Applications for CFD and FE Analysis.
  • Bui X, Tabor G, Limbert G. (2007) Characterisation of Bulk Material Properties Based on Microstructural Simulation.
  • Cresswell JE, Henning K, Pennel C, Patrick MA, Lahoubi M, Young PG, Tabor GR. (2007) Conifer ovulate cones accumulate pollen principally by simple impaction, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, volume 46, no. 104, pages 18141-18144.
  • Collins TP, Tabor GR, Young PG. (2007) A computational fluid dynamics study of inspiratory flow in orotracheal geometries, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, volume 45, pages 829-836.
  • Beard MA, Tabor GR, Ritchie SKJ, Evans KE, Walton RI. (2007) Development of Freeze Flow Apparatus to Study Filled Polymer Melts, Polymer Engineering and Science, volume 47, no. 11, pages 1937-1942.
  • Beard MA, Tabor G, Ritchie SJK, Evans KE. (2007) Numerical investigation and visualisation of polymer behaviour within a capillary die, Polymer Engineering and Science, volume 47, no. 10, pages 1688-1694.
  • Tabor GR, Cresswell JE, Patrick MA, Young PG. (2007) Conifer ovulate cones accumulate pollen principally by simple  impaction, DOI:10.1073/pnas.0706434104.
  • Beard MA, Tabor GR, Ritchie SKJ, Evans KE, Walton RI. (2007) Development of Freeze Flow Apparatus to Study Filled Polymer Melts, Polymer Engineering and Science, volume 47, no. 11, pages 1937-1942.
  • Bui X, Young PG, Tabor G, Limbert G. (2007) 3D imaging techniques for material characterisation.


  • Macdonald A, Tabor G, Winlove P, Arkill K, McHale N. (2006) Computational and experimental analysis of flow in lymphatic vessels, Journal of Biomechanics, volume 39, DOI:10.1016/s0021-9290(06)84146-1.
  • Young PG, Tabor G, Collins T, Richterova J, Dejuniat E, Beresford-West T. (2006) Automating the generation of 3D finite element models based on medical imaging data.
  • Collins T, Tabor G, Young PG. (2006) A CFD study of air flow through the human respiratory system.
  • Young PG, Tabor G, Collins T, Richterova J, Dejuniat E, Beresford-West T. (2006) Automating the generation of 3D finite element models based on medical imaging data.
  • Rigby S, Tabor G. (2006) The use of Computational Fluid Dynamics in reconstructing the hydrodynamics of Graptolites, GFF, volume 128, pages 189-194.


  • Juleff G, Molinari D, Tabor G. (2005) Computational Simulation of Air Flows through a Sri Lankan Wind Driven Furnace, Journal of Archaeological Science, volume 32, no. 5, pages 753-766, DOI:10.1016/j.jas.2004.12.006.
  • Rigby S, Tabor G. (2005) The use of computational fluid dynamics in reconstructing the hydrodynamic properties of graptolites.
  • Bui Xuan V, Benattayallah A, Tabor GR, Young PG, West TB. (2005) From Reality To Model In Minutes Or On The Aerodynamics Of A Thanksgiving Turkey, ISB Congress - ASB 29th Annual Meeting, Cleveland, Ohio, 1st - 1st Jan 2005.


  • Tabor GR, Baba-Ahmadi MH, De Villiers E, Weiler HG. (2004) Construction of inlet conditions for les of turbulent channel flow, ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering.
  • Tabor G. (2004) Teaching computational fluid dynamics using spreadsheets, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, volume 32, no. 1, pages 31-53, DOI:10.7227/IJMEE.32.1.4.
  • Tabor G. (2004) Teaching computational fluid dynamics using spreadsheets, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education, volume 32, no. 1, pages 31-53.
  • Knob M, Beable M, Hyhlik T, Safarik P, Tabor G. (2004) Heat Transfer Characteristics of an Annular Impinging Jet Cooling a Rotating Disc, "Colloquium Fluid Dynamics 2004, Proceedings, Prague", pages 71-74.
  • Tabor GR, Weller HG. (2004) Large eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion using Xi Flame surface wrinkling model, Flow Turbulence and Combustion, volume 72, no. 1, pages 1-28, DOI:10.1023/B:APPL.0000014910.06345.fb.
  • Baba-Ahmadi, M.H., deVilliers, E.. (2004) Proceedings of the ECCOMAS 2004 Congress, Finland, 'Construction of Inlet Conditions for LES of Turbulent Channel Flow'.
  • Xuan, B., Fureder, R.. (2004) Proceedings of the ECCOMAS 2004 Congress, Finland, "On Automating the Generation of CFD Models Based on 3D Data : Industrial and Biomedical Applications'.
  • Tabor G, B�i X, F�reder R, West T, Young P. (2004) On Automating the Generation of CFD Models Based on 3D Data: Industrial and Biomedical Applications, "Jyrvaskyla, Finland".


  • Juleff G, Tabor G. (2003) Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Air Pressure and Wind Speeds in Sri Lankan Iron Furnaces, "Presented at Metal Producing Landscapes, HMS Annual Conference 2003, Exmoor".


  • Taylor N, Tabor G, Yu H. (2001) Identification and Model Following Control of Fluid Flow in a Pipe using CFD, Proceedings of the Third World Manufacturing Congress.
  • Tabor, G.. (2001) Proceedings of the ECCOMAS CFD Conference (2001) 'Modelling of Complex Flows with (v)LES'.


  • Fureby C, Tabor G, Weller HG, Gosman AD. (2000) Large eddy simulations of the flow around a square prism, AIAA Journal, volume 38, pages 442-452, DOI:10.2514/3.14432.
  • Tabor GR, Nwagwe IK, Weller HG, Gosman AD. (2000) Measurements and Large Eddy Simulations of turbulent premixed flame kernel growth.
  • Nwagwe IK, Weller HG, Tabor GR, Gosman AD, Lawes M, Sheppard CGW, Wooley R. (2000) Measurements and large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed flame kernel growth, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, volume 28, no. 1, pages 59-65, DOI:10.1016/S0082-0784(00)80195-2.
  • Nwagwe IK, Weller HG, Tabor GR, Gosman AD, Lawes M, Sheppard CGW, Wooley R. (2000) Measurements and large eddy simulations of turbulent premixed flame kernel growth, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, volume 28, no. 1, pages 59-65.
  • Nwagwe IK, Weller HG, Tabor G, Gosman AD, Lawes M, Sheppard CGW, Wooley R. (2000) Measurements and Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Premixed Flame Kernel Growth, Proceedings of the 28th Combustion Symposium.
  • Fureby C, Tabor GR, Weller HG, Gosman AD. (2000) Large eddy simulations of the flow around a square prizm, AIAA Jounal, volume 3, no. 38, pages 442-452.



  • Weston SJ, Wood NB, Tabor G, Gosman AD, Firmin DN. (1998) Combined MRI and CFD analysis of fully developed steady and pulsatile laminar flow through a bend, J Magn Reson Imaging, volume 8, no. 5, pages 1158-1171, DOI:10.1002/jmri.1880080523. [PDF]
  • Weller HG, Tabor G, Jasak H, Fureby C. (1998) A Tensorial Approach to CFD using Object Orientated Techniques, Computers in Physics, volume 12, no. 6, pages 620-631.
  • Weller HG, Tabor G, Gosman AD, Fureby C. (1998) Application of a Flame-Wrinkling LES Combustion Model to a Turbulent Mixing Layer, Proceedings of the 27th Combustion Symposium, pages 899-907.


  • Fureby C, Tabor G, Weller HG, Gosman AD. (1997) Differential Subgrid Stress Models in Large Eddy Simulations, Phys.Fluids, volume 9, no. 11, pages 3578-3580.
  • Fureby C, Tabor G, Weller HG, Gosman AD. (1997) A Comparative Study of Sub Grid Scale Models in Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence, Phys.Fluids, volume 9, no. 5, pages 1416-1429.
  • Fureby C, Tabor G. (1997) Mathematical and Physical Constraints on Large Eddy Simulations, Theor.Comp.Fluid Dynamics, volume 9, no. 2, pages 75-83.
  • Fureby C, Tabor G. (1997) Mathematical and physical constraints on large-eddy simulations, Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, volume 9, no. 2, pages 85-102, DOI:10.1007/s001620050034.
  • Fureby C, Gosman AD, Tabor G, Weller HG, Sandham N, Wolfshtein M. (1997) Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flows, Turbulent Shear Flows 11.


  • Tabor G, Gosman AD, Issa RI. (1996) Numerical simulation of the flow in a mixing vessel stirred by a Rushton turbine, Institution of Chemical Engineers Symposium Series, no. 140, pages 25-34.
  • Liu MZ, Luo JY, Tabor G, Issa RI, Gosman AD. (1996) Development of Eulerian Two-Phase Capability in STAR-CDrnand its Application in Chemical Processing, Chemical Engineering : McGraw-Hill.


  • Binney J, Tabor GR. (1995) Evolving Cooling Flows, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, volume 276, no. 2, pages 663-678.



  • Jarman D, Daniels S, Rahat A, Fieldsend J, Everson R, Tabor G. Separator for separating solids from a fluid, Patent Number: 10843105, US, 2020.

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