Ioannis Leontis
Postgraduate Researcher
Physics and Astronomy
Coming from Greece, I completed my MSc in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. My final year project conducted at NCSR Demokritos, Athens, focused on the fabrication and photoluminescence characterization of Porous Alumina thin layers fabricated using anodization techniques.
PhD Title: The demonstration of room temperature (RT) quantum electrical analogues of optical elements and circuits
Graphene has attracted interest in a variety of fields owing to its exceptional electrical and optical properties. Among the others, the extraordinary high charge carrier mobility of graphene has recently made possible the observation of room temperature ballistic transport. This PhD project aims to exploit room temperature ballistic transport on graphene in order to demonstrate the electrical equivalent of optical components such as lenses and fiber optics at room temperature.
Six month project:
The first stage of this PhD will be to increase the mobility of the charge carriers of exfoliated graphene using Ionic Liquid in order to screen the charged impurities in graphene.
Supervisors: Professor Saverio Russo and Professor Monica Craciun