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  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Kim SH, Lee JJ. (2016) Finite element model updating for short-span bridges using vehicle load input-deflection outputs, MAINTENANCE, MONITORING, SAFETY, RISK AND RESILIENCE OF BRIDGES AND BRIDGE NETWORKS, pages 401-401. [PDF]
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Kim SH, Lee JJ. (2016) Finite element model updating for short-span bridges using vehicle load input-deflection outputs, Maintenance, Monitoring, Safety, Risk and Resilience of Bridges and Bridge Networks - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS 2016, pages 1478-1485.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Kripakaran P, Harvey B, Kromanis R, Jones P, Huseynov F. (2016) Structural health monitoring of short to medium span bridges in the United Kingdom, Structural Monitoring and Maintenance, volume 3, no. 3, pages 259-276, DOI:10.12989/smm.2016.3.3.259.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Bocian M, Hester D, Quattrone A, Hudson W, Moore D, Goh S, Sun Lim M. (2016) Footbridge system identification using wireless inertial measurement units for force and response measurements, Journal of Sound and Vibration, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2016.08.008.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Xu Y, Hester D, Bassitt J, Morgan M. (2016) Evaluating a video gauge for deformation measurements of two UK long span bridges, International Cable-Stayed Bridge Operators Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 19th - 22nd Jun 2016.
  • Xu Y, Brownjohn J, Hester D, Koo K. (2016) Dynamic displacement measurement of a long span bridge using vision-based system, European workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Bilbao, 5th - 8th Jul 2016.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Hester D, Xu Y, Bassitt J, Koo K. (2016) Viability of optical tracking systems for monitoring deformations of a long span bridge, 6th European Conference on Structural Control, Sheffield, 11th - 13th Jul 2016.
  • Zhou L, Chen L, Xia Y, Brownjohn JMW. (2016) Thermal correlation analysis of a long-span suspension bridge static responses, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 9804, DOI:10.1117/12.2219490.
  • Quattrone A, Bocian M, Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Hudson EJ, Hester D, Davies J. (2016) Characterisation of transient actions induced by spectators on sport stadia, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-29763-7_40.
  • Bocian M, Brownjohn JMW, Racic V, Hester D, Quattrone A, Monnickendam R. (2016) A framework for experimental determination of localised vertical pedestrian forces on full-scale structures using wireless attitude and heading reference systems, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 376, pages 217-243, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2016.05.010.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Reynolds P, Fok P. (2016) Vibration serviceability of Helix Bridge, Singapore, Structures and Buildings.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Koo K, Battista N. (2016) Sensing Solutions for Assessing and Monitoring of Bridges.
  • Zheng F, Shao L, Racic V, Brownjohn J. (2016) Measuring Human-Induced Vibrations of Civil Engineering Structures via Vision-Based Motion Tracking, Measurement (Elsevier).
  • Zhou L, Xia Y, Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY. (2016) Temperature Analysis of a Long-Span Suspension Bridge Based on Field Monitoring and Numerical Simulation, Journal of Bridge Engineering, volume 21, no. 1, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000786.


  • Koo K, Lee JJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2015) Time synchronization for wireless sensors by using low-cost GPS module, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Reynolds P, Au SK, Hester D, Bocian M. (2015) Experimental modal analysis of civil structures: State of the art, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Hester D, Brownjohn JMW, Bocian M, Hudson EJ. (2015) Wireless sensor network for structural monitoring: A laboratory trial, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Xia Y, Zhou LR, Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY. (2015) Transverse temperature difference of steel girder in a long-span suspension bridge, SHMII 2015 - 7th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Georgiou L, Racic V, Brownjohn J, Elliot MT. (2015) Coordination of Groups Jumping to Popular Music Beats, IMAC 2015.
  • Brownjohn JMW, racic V, chen J. (2015) Universal response spectrum procedure for predicting walking-induced floor vibration, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zanardo G, Brown DG, Prichard S. (2015) Vibration stability of Orion laser facility, Proceedings of the ICE - Structures and Buildings, article no. SB-D-14-00133R2.
  • Westgate R, Koo KY, Brownjohn J. (2015) Effect of solar radiation on suspension bridge performance, Journal of Bridge Engineering, volume 20, no. 5, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0000668.
  • Rahbari R, Niu J, Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY. (2015) Structural identification of Humber Bridge for performance prognosis, Smart Structures and Systems, volume 15, no. 3, pages 665-682, DOI:10.12989/sss.2015.15.3.665.
  • Li J, Hao H, Fan K, Brownjohn J. (2015) Development and application of a relative displacement sensor for structural health monitoring of composite bridges, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, volume 22, no. 4, pages 726-742, DOI:10.1002/stc.1714.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY, Scullion A, List D. (2015) Operational deformations in long-span bridges, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, volume 11, no. 4, pages 556-574, DOI:10.1080/15732479.2014.951857.
  • Westgate R, Koo KY, Brownjohn J. (2015) Effect of vehicular loading on suspension bridge dynamic properties, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, volume 11, no. 2, pages 129-144, DOI:10.1080/15732479.2013.850731.
  • de Battista N, Brownjohn JMW, Tan HP, Koo KY. (2015) Measuring and modelling the thermal performance of the Tamar Suspension Bridge using a wireless sensor network, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, volume 11, no. 2, pages 176-193, DOI:10.1080/15732479.2013.862727.




  • Brownjohn J, Koo K-Y. (2012) Structural Health Monitoring of Sheffield University Arts Tower During Retrofit, Earthquakes and Health Monitoring of Civil Structures, Springer Nature, 149-166, DOI:10.1007/978-94-007-5182-8_6.
  • Deng XY, Brownjohn JMW. (2012) Development of a Computer Aided Model Updating System (CAMUS), Computing in Civil Engineering (2005), DOI:10.1061/40794(179)136.
  • Figueiredo E, Radu L, Westgate R, Brownjohn J, Cross E, Worden K, Farrar C. (2012) Applicability of a Markov-chain Monte Carlo method for damage detection on data from the Z-24 and Tamar suspension bridges, Proceedings of the 6th European Workshop - Structural Health Monitoring 2012, EWSHM 2012, volume 1, pages 747-754.
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2012) Random model of vertical walking force signals, IMAC XXX: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics.
  • Brownjohn JM. (2012) Simple but effective SHM: The skeptic-practitioner view of what works well, what doesn’t and where we should direct our efforts (keynote), MEMSCON Workshop 2012.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY, Scullion A. (2012) Operational deformations in long span bridges (keynote), IAMBAS 2012, Stresa.
  • Rahbari AM, Brownjohn JM. (2012) Finite element modeling of the Humber Bridge, IABMAS 2012.
  • Cross EJ, Worden K, Koo K-Y, Brownjohn JMW. (2012) Filtering environmental load effects to enhance novelty detection on cable-supported bridge performance, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 745-752.
  • Papatheou E, Green P, Racic V, Brownjohn JM, Sims N. (2012) A short investigation on the effect of energy harvesting backpack on the human gait, ., Conference on Active and Passive Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, Proc. SPIE Vol. 8341, DOI:10.1117/12.915524.
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2012) Stochastic model of continuously measured vertical pedestrian loads, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Resilience and Sustainability - Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 3701-3708.
  • Racic V, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2012) Modern facilities for experimental measurement of dynamic loads induced by humans: a literature review, Shock and Vibration, volume Pre-Press, DOI:10.3233/SAV-2012-0727. [PDF]
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW. (2012) Mathematical modelling of random narrow band lateral excitation of footbridges due to pedestrians walking, Computers & Stuctures, volume 90-91, pages 116-130, DOI:10.1016/j.compstruc.2011.10.002.
  • Zhang X, Du X, Brownjohn J. (2012) Frequency modulated empirical mode decomposition method for the identification of instantaneous modal parameters of aeroelastic systems, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 101, pages 43 - 52--43 - 52-43 - 52--43 - 52, article no. 0, DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2011.12.005. [PDF]


  • Westgate RJ, Koo KY, Cross EJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Environmental effects on longterm behaviours of Tamar Suspension Bridge, SHMII-5 2011 - 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Koo KY, De Battista N, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) SHM data management system using MySQL database with MATLAB and web interfaces, SHMII-5 2011 - 5th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Westgate R, Koo K, Brownjohn J. (2011) Recording and simulating environmental effects upon Tamar Suspension Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization, Taylor & Francis, 327-327, DOI:10.1201/b10430-240.
  • Brownjohn J. (2011) Structural health monitoring: Examples and benefits to structure stakeholders, Structural Engineer, volume 89, no. 9, pages 24-26.
  • Barton E, Middleton C, Koo K, Crocker L, Brownjohn J. (2011) Structural finite element model updating using vibration tests and modal analysis for NPL footbridge - SHM demonstrator, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, volume 305, no. 1, DOI:10.1088/1742-6596/305/1/012105.
  • Brownjohn JMW, de Stefano A, Xu YL, Wenzel H, Aktan AE. (2011) Vibration-based monitoring of civil infrastructure: Challenges and successes, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, volume 1, no. 3-4, pages 79-95, DOI:10.1007/s13349-011-0009-5.
  • De Battista N, Westgate R, Koo KY, Brownjohn J. (2011) Wireless monitoring of the longitudinal displacement of the Tamar Suspension Bridge deck under changing environmental conditions, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 7981, DOI:10.1117/12.879811.
  • Middleton CJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Simplified methods for estimating the response of floors to a footfall, Structures Congress 2011 - Proceedings of the 2011 Structures Congress, pages 383-403, DOI:10.1061/41171(401)34.
  • Koo KY, De Battista N, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) SHM data management system using MySQL databases and MATLAB interfaces, SHMII-5 2011.
  • Cross E, Worden K, Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Modelling environmental effects on the dynamic characteristics of the Tamar suspension bridge, Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series, volume 5, pages 21-32.
  • Goguladas Y, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Mitigation of the effects of micro-tremors on high sensitive facilities, ICSECM 2011. [PDF]
  • Racic V, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Measurement and application of bouncing and jumping loads using motion tracking technology, IMAC XXIX: A Conference and Exposition on Structural Dynamics, Civil Engineering Topics, Volume 4 Proceedings of the 29th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2011, volume 4, pages 201-210, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-9316-8_18.
  • Westgate R, Koo KY, Cross EJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Environmental effects on long-term behaviours of Tamar Suspension Bridge, SHMII-5 2011.
  • Westgate R, Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Environmental effects on a suspension bridge’s dynamic response, 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, Proceedings of Eurodyn 2011. [PDF]
  • Trinh TN, Smith IFC, Brownjohn JMW, Laory I, Koo KY. (2011) Effects of service loading on the behaviour of a suspension bridge, IABSE-IASS Special Joint Annual Symposium.
  • Noormohamadi N, Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Wing AM, Johanssen L, Elliott M. (2011) Effect of different cues on spectators synchronisation, a vibration engineering approach, 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, Proceedings of Eurodyn 2011. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JM, Lorenzana A, Poncela A, Lavin C, Vasallo A. (2011) Dynamic response of a RC chimney without and with TMD under wind action. Experimental and simulation results, 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2011, Proceedings of Eurodyn 2011. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JM, Racic V, Pavic A. (2011) Dynamic loads due to synchronous rhythmic activities of groups and crowds, COMPDYN 2011 - 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.
  • Dohler M, Jaishi B, Mevel L, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Data fusion for system identification of the Humber Bridge, IMAC XXIX, Civil Engineering Topics, Volume 4 Proceedings of the 29th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2011, volume 4, pages 83-98, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-9316-8_7.
  • Cross EJ, Worden K, Koo K-Y, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Cointegration and SHM of Bridges, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING 2011: CONDITION-BASED MAINTENANCE AND INTELLIGENT STRUCTURES, VOL 1 AND VOL 2, pages 63-70.
  • Cross EJ, Koo KY, Worden K, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Cointegration and SHM of bridges, 8th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Structural Health Monitoring 2011: Condition Based Maintenance and Intelligent Structures, pages 63-71.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Xu YL, De Stefano A, Wenzel H, Aktan AE. (2011) Vibration-based monitoring: Successes and challenges, Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, volume 1, pages 79-95, DOI:10.1007/s13349-011-0009-5.
  • Zhu D, Wang Y, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Vibration testing of a steel girder bridge using cabled and wireless sensors, Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China, volume 5, pages 249-258.
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW. (2011) Stochastic model of near-periodic vertical loads due to humans walking, Advanced Engineering Informatics, volume 25, pages 259-275, DOI:10.1016/j.aei.2010.07.004.


  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, List D, Cole R, Wood T. (2010) Innovative structural health monitoring for Tamar Suspension Bridge by automated Total Positioning System, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 544-551.
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Carden P, List DI, Cole R, Wood T. (2010) Long-term structural health monitoring for Tamar Suspension Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 348-355.
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Carden P, List DI, Cole R, Wood T. (2010) Long-term structural health monitoring for Tamar Suspension Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 336-343.
  • Westgate RJ, Koo K, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Recording and simulating environmental effects upon Tamar Suspension Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 1642-1647.
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, List D, Cole R, Wood T. (2010) Innovative structural health monitoring for Tamar Suspension Bridge by automated Total Positioning System, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 556-563.
  • Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW, Zivanovic S. (2010) VSATs Software for Assessing And Visualising Floor Vibration Serviceability Based on First Principles, ASCE Congress 2010, DOI:10.1061/41130(369)82.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY. (2010) Vibration serviceability of tall buildings due to wind loads: prediction measurement and evaluation of damping, ASCE Congress 2010, DOI:10.1061/41130(369)267.
  • De Battista N, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Use of Imote2 with SHM-A wireless smart sensor nodes, 5WCSCM, Proceedings of 5WCSCM. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY. (2010) Structural health monitoring and real-time performance diagnosis of landmark structures in the UK, 5WCSCM, Proceedings of 5WCSCM. [PDF]
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2010) Reproduction and application of pedestrian forces from visual marker data, IUTAM 2010 : IUTAM SYMPOSIUM ON HUMAN MOVEMENT ANALYSIS AND SIMULATION, Proceedings of the IUTAM symposium on Analysis and simulation of human motion. [PDF]
  • Middleton CJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Performance of high frequency industrial floors, ASCE Congress 2010, DOI:10.1061/41130(369)81.
  • Cross E, Worden K, Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Modelling Environmental Effects on the Dynamic Characteristics of the Tamar Suspension Bridge, IMAC XXVIII, Dynamics of Bridges, Volume 5 Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010, volume 5, pages 21-32, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-9825-5_3.
  • Garcia-Dieguez M, Koo KY, Middleton CJ, Brownjohn JMW, Goddard C. (2010) Model Updating for a 183m of Reinforced Concrete Chimney, IMAC XXVIII, Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4 Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010, volume 4, pages 91-98, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-9831-6_11.
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Westgate RJ. (2010) Long-term structural health monitoring for Tamar Suspension Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - IABMAS’10, Proceedings of the Fifth International IABMAS Conference, pages 111-111. [PDF]
  • Cross EJ, Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Worden K. (2010) Long-term monitoring and data analysis of the Tamar Bridge, ISMA2010-USD2010 Conference, PROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2010 INCLUDING USD2010, pages 1345-1358, DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2012.08.026. [PDF]
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, List D, Cole R, Wood T. (2010) Innovative structural health monitoring for suspension bridges by total positioning system, Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - IABMAS’10, Proceedings of the Fifth International IABMAS Conference, pages 143-143. [PDF]
  • Tuan Chik TN, Brownjohn JMW, Petkovski M. (2010) Finite element analysis of ground borne vibrations in sensitive buildings using inputs from free field measurements, ISMA2010-USD2010 Conference, PROCEEDINGS OF ISMA2010 INCLUDING USD2010, pages 759-772. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Reynders E, de Roeck G. (2010) Dynamic testing of constructed facilities, ASCE Congress 2010, DOI:10.1061/41130(369)53.
  • Westgate R, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Development of a Tamar Bridge Finite Element Model, IMAC XXVIII, Dynamics of Bridges, Volume 5 Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010, volume 5, pages 13-20, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-9825-5_2.
  • Middleton CJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Response of high frequency floors: A literature review, Engineering Structures, volume 32, pages 337-352, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2009.11.003.
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2010) Reproduction and application of human bouncing and jumping forces from visual marker data, JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, volume 329, pages 3397-3416, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2010.02.021.
  • Westgate RJ, Koo K, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Recording and simulating environmental effects upon Tamar Suspension Bridge, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management and Life-Cycle Optimization - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, pages 1651-1656.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden EP, Goddard CR, Oudin G. (2010) Real-time performance monitoring of tuned mass damper system for a 183 m reinforced concrete chimney, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 98, pages 169-179, DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2009.10.013.
  • Racic V, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2010) Mathematical modelling of near-periodic jumping force signals, IMAC XXVIII, Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4 Proceedings of the 28th IMAC, A Conference on Structural Dynamics, 2010, volume 4, pages 217-225, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4419-9831-6_23.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Magalhaes F, Caetano E, Cunha A. (2010) Ambient vibration re-testing and operational modal analysis of the Humber Bridge, Engineering Structures, volume 32, pages 2003-2018, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2010.02.034.


  • Sturgeon R, Cross EJ, Worden K, Brownjohn JMW, Koo KY, Chen Q. (2009) Elimination of long-term trends in SHM data using cointegration, Structural Health Monitoring 2009: From System Integration to Autonomous Systems - Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2009, volume 2, pages 1447-1455.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Worden K, Cross E, List D, Cole R, Wood T. (2009) Thermal effects on performance on Tamar Bridge, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden P, Goddard C, Oudin G. (2009) Real-time performance monitoring of a TMD for a 183m reinforced concrete chimney, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Yun CB. (2009) Damage detection in beam-like structures using deflections obtained by modal flexibility matrices, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Magalhães F, Caetano E, Cunha A, Au I, Lam P. (2009) Ambient vibration re-testing of the Humber Bridge, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Worden K, Cross E, List D, Cole R, Wood T. (2009) Thermal effects on performance on Tamar Bridge, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Koo KY, Brownjohn JMW, Yun C-B. (2009) Damage detection in beam-like structures using deflections obtained by modal flexibility matrices, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden P, Goddard C, Oudin G. (2009) Real-time performance monitoring of a TMD for a 183m reinforced concrete chimney, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure, SHMII 2009.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC. (2009) Structural Health Monitoring of a Tall Building, Encyclopedia of Structural Health Monitoring, Wiley, 2233-2242, DOI:10.1002/9780470061626.shm172.
  • Caetano EDS, Brownjohn JMW, Zivanovic S, Pavic A. (2009) Crowd Dynamic Loading on Footbridges, Footbridge vibration design, CRC, 135-166.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden EP, Goddard CR, Oudin G, Koo KY. (2009) Real-time performance tracking of a 183m chimney and tuned mass damper system, 3rd International Operational Modal Analysis Conference.
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2009) Novel experimental characterisation of human-induced loading, IMAC XXVII, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII. [PDF]
  • Tuan Chik TN, Brownjohn JMW, Petkovski M. (2009) Ground borne vibration effects on sensitive structures, 13th Asia Pacific Vibration Conference (APVC), Proceedings of APVC09. [PDF]
  • Middleton CJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2009) Efficient modelling of high frequency floors, IMAC XXVII, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII. [PDF]
  • Aldimashki MM, Brownjohn JMW. (2009) Effects of ground vibrations on performance of foundation systems, ISEV2009 - 4th International Symposium on Environmental Vibrations: Prediction, Monitoring, mitigation and Evaluation, Environmental Vibrations: Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation and Evaluation, volume 1, pages 445-449. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Maghalaes F, Caetano E, Cunha A, Au ISK, Lam P. (2009) Dynamic testing of the Humber suspension bridge, EVACES’09 Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Goddard CR, Oudin G, Koo KY. (2009) Dynamic performance of Rugeley chimney and tuned mass damper system, CICIND.
  • Koo KY, Lee JJ, Jun CB, Brownjohn JMW. (2009) Damage detection in beam-like structures using deflections obtained by modal flexibility matrices, IMAC-XXVII, Proceedings of the IMAC-XXVII. [PDF]
  • Magalhaes F, Brownjohn JMW, Caetano E, Cunha A. (2009) Challenges in identification of the Humber Bridge modal parameters based on an ambient vibration test, 3rd International Operational Modal Analysis Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Magalhaes F, Caetano E, Cunha A, Au ISK, Lam P. (2009) Ambient vibration re-testing of the Humber Bridge, SHMII-4.
  • Racic V, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2009) Number of successive cycles necessary to achieve stability of selected ground reaction force variables during continuous jumping, J SPORT SCI MED, volume 8, pages 639-647.
  • Racic V, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2009) Experimental identification and analytical modelling of human walking forces: Literature review, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 326, pages 1-49, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2009.04.020.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Botfield T. (2009) A folded pendulum isolator for evaluating accelerometer performance, Experimental Techniques, volume 33, pages 33-37, DOI:10.1111/j.1747-1567.2008.00364.x.


  • Wu Z, Beck JL, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Introduction, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, volume 23, no. 5, pages 323-323, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8667.2008.00540.x.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Meng X. (2008) Methods for measuring structural deflection and applications to bridge deck performance monitoring, Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Health Monitoring and Informatics - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, DOI:10.1201/9781439828434.ch234.
  • Zivanovic S, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Vibration serviceability assessment of slender structures using VSATs software, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI), Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI. [PDF]
  • Zivanovic S, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Vibration serviceability assessment of footbridges using VSATs software, EURODYN 2008 - 7th European Conference on Structural Dynamics. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Fujino Y, Inaudi D, Wu Z. (2008) Structural identification of constructed systems: experimental considerations, ASCE Structures Congress, DOI:10.1061/41016(314)139.
  • Middleton CJ, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Response of high frequency floors to a footfall, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI), Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden P. (2008) Real-time operation modal analysis of Tamar Bridge, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI), Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Practical considerations for low noise measurement, Sensors & Instrumentation Tutorial, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI). [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Operational performance of civil structures, NSF-ESF Workshop on Sensor Networks for Civil Infrastructure Systems. [PDF]
  • Racic V, Pavic A, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Novel experimental characterisation of bouncing and jumping forces, Seventh European Conference on Dynamics EURODYN 2008. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2008) NDOF: A MATLAB GUI for teaching and simulating structural dynamics, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI), Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI. [PDF]
  • Racic V, Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2008) Human walking and running forces: novel experimental characterization and application in civil engineering dynamics, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI), Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zivanovic S, Pavic A. (2008) Crowd dynamic loading on footbridges, Footbridge 2008, Proceedings of Footbridge2008.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Botfield T. (2008) Accelerometer noise floor evaluation using a folded pendulum isolator, 26th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXVI), Proceedings of IMAC-XXVI. [PDF]
  • Grimmelsman K, Brownjohn JMW, Catbas NF, Conte J, DeRoeck G, Farrar C, Halling M, Masri S, Sohn H, Wenzel H. (2008) A review of structural identification for bridge structures, ASCE Structures Congress.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Middleton CJ. (2008) Procedures for vibration serviceability assessment of high-frequency floors, Engineering Structures, volume 30, pages 1548-1559, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.10.006.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC. (2008) Identifying Loading and Response Mechanisms from Ten Years of Performance Monitoring of a Tall Building, ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, volume 22, pages 24-34, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0887-3828(2008)22:1(24).
  • Carden EP, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) Fuzzy clustering of stability diagrams for vibration-based structural health monitoring, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, volume 23, pages 360-372, DOI:10.1111/j.1467-8667.2008.00543.x.
  • Carden EP, Brownjohn JMW. (2008) ARMA modelled time-series classification for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructure, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, volume 22, pages 295-314, DOI:10.1016/j.ymssp.2007.07.003.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Reynolds P, Pavic A. (2008) Advances in dynamic testing methods for in-situ civil engineering structures, Seventh European Conference on Dynamics EURODYN 2008.


  • Carden EP, Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Tracking the Effects of Changing Environmental Conditions on the Modal Parameters of Tamar Bridge, SHMII - 3.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A, Reynolds P. (2007) Structural identification from dynamic field testing of structures, Proceedings, World Forum on Smart Materials and Smart Structures Technology.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2007) State of the art system identification of bridges, SHMII - 3.
  • Fanning P, Healy P, Pavic A, Reynolds P, Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Sean O’Casey bridge: comparison of operational and traditional modal analysis test results, The 3rd International Operational Modal AnaIysis Conference (IOMAC 2007).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden P. (2007) Reliability of frequency and damping estimates from free vibration response, The 3rd International Operational Modal AnaIysis Conference (IOMAC 2007).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden EP. (2007) Operational modal analysis and structural health monitoring with sparse sensor arrays.(Keynote), SCAMI-2.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Carden P. (2007) Operational modal analysis and structural health monitoring with sparse sensor arrays, STRUCTURAL CONDITION ASSESSMENT, MONITORING AND IMPROVEMENT, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 3-10.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Noise characteristics of sensors for extreme low level vibration measuremets, 25th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXV).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A, Carden P, Middleton C. (2007) Modal testing of Tamar suspension bridge, 5th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXV).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2007) Forced vibration and output-only procedures for estimating modal mass in structures, EVACES.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Evolving Technologies for Monitoring the Performance of Civil Infrastructure, 5th International Seminar for Safety of Infrastructure, KISTEC.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Bias and varience errors due to windowing, leakage and noise in operational modal analsis using auto and cross spectural densities, IOMAC.
  • Carden EP, Brownjohn JMW. (2007) ARMA modelled time series classification for structural health monitoring, 25th International Modal Analysis Conference (IMAC XXV).
  • Hristopulos DT, Mertikas SP, Arhontakis I, Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Using GPS for Monitoring Tall-Building Response to Wind Loading: Filtering of Abrupt Changes and Low-Frequency Noise, Variography and Spectral Analysis of Displacements, GPS Solutions, volume 11, pages 85-95, DOI:10.1007/s10291-006-0035-7.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructure, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, volume 365, pages 589-622.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2007) Experimental Methods for Estimating Modal Mass in Footbridges using Human-Induced Dynamic Excitation, Engineering Structures, volume 29, pages 2833-2843, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2007.01.025.
  • Fanning P, Healy P, Pavic A, Reynolds P, Brownjohn JMW. (2007) Sean O’Casey bridge: comparison of operational and traditional modal analysis test results, The 3rd International Operational Modal AnaIysis Conference (IOMAC 2007).


  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2006) Human-induced vibrations on footbridges, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost, pages 263-264, DOI:10.1201/b18175-97.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2006) Vibration serviceability assessment and control of footbridges, IABMAS06.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Owen JS. (2006) Suggestions for future research, development and application of bridge health monitoring systems, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management - Bridge Maintenance, Safety, Management, Life-Cycle Performance and Cost, pages 577-578.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2006) So we can do operational modal analysis efficiently. Now what?, IOMAC workshop.
  • List D, Cole R, Wood T, Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Monitoring performance of the Tamar Suspension Bridge, IABMAS06.
  • Tan GH, Poh YK, Stringer M, Loh CK, Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Improving instrument data quality from excavation sites to the right person at the right time to make the right decision, International Conference and Exhibition on Tunneling and Trenchless Technology.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Full-scale performance evaluation of bridges using dynamic and static instrumentation, The International Conference on Bridge Management Systems - Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Middleton CJ. (2006) Economical dynamic assessment of a footbridge using AVT and FEM updating, IMACXXIV.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Dynamic performance of high frequency floors, IMACXXIV.
  • Carden EP, Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Development of a MATLAB GUI for detection and classification of anomalies in structual response signals, The International Conference on Bridge Management Systems - Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A. (2006) Vibration Control of Ultra-Sensitive Facilities, Structures and Buildings, volume 159, pages 295-306.
  • Pan TC, You X, Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Effects of infill walls and floor diaphragms on the dynamic characteristics of a narrow-rectangle building, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, volume 35, pages 637-651, DOI:10.1002/eqe.550.
  • Zhang X, Wang Y, Pan T-C, Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Direct observations of non-stationary bridge deck aeroelastic vibration in wind tunnel, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 291, pages 202-214, DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2005.06.010.
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW. (2006) Application of time series analysis for bridge health monitoring, Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, volume 15, pages 129-138.


  • Deng X, Brownjohn J. (2005) Finite-element model updating of tall buildings with a computer-aided model updating system (CAMUS).
  • Deng XY, Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Development of a computer aided model updating system (CAMUS), Proceedings of the 2005 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, pages 1439-1450.
  • Choi ECC, Zhang X, Owen JS, Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Wind tunnel testing of a section model of the Kessock Bridge, Sixth Asia Pacific Conference on Wind engineering.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Vibration Serviceability of footbridges, IMAC XXIII. The 23rd International Modal Analysis Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Vibration control of sensitive manufacturing facilities, International Colloquium on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures.
  • Tan GH, Poh YK, Stringer M, Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Ubiquitous real-time monitoring applied to excavation works, Proceedings, 4th symposium on New Technologies for Urban Megacities in Asia (USMCA2005).
  • Tan GH, Wang XN, Poh YK, Stringer M, Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Real Time Monitoring and Alert in Excavation Works using Machine-to-Machine Technologies, Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-2), pages 1579-1583.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Long-term monitoring of dynamic response of a tall building for performance evaluation and loading characterisation, Proceedings, 1st International Operational Modal Analysis Conference (IOMAC).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Stringer M, Tan GH, Poh YK, Ge L, Pan T-C. (2005) Experience with RTK-GPS system for monitoring wind and seismic effects on a tall building, Structural Health monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-2), pages 265-275.
  • Tan GH, Poh YK, Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Evolution of remote structural health monitoring systems with M2M technologies, IMAC XXIII. The 23rd International Modal Analysis Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Omenzetter P, Moyo P. (2005) Data Mining and visualisation for anomaly detection and diagnosis in civil structures, IMAC-XXIII: Conference & Exposition on Structural Dynamics - Structural Health Monitoring, IMAC XXIII, The 23rd International Modal Analysis Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Tan GH. (2005) Assessing effects of Indonesian earthquakes on tall buildings in Singapore, Proceedings, Earthquake engineering in 21st Century, IZIIS.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Tao NF. (2005) Vibration excitation and control of a pedestrian walkway by individuals and crowds, Journal of Shock and Vibration, volume 12, pages 333-347.
  • Zhang X, Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Some considerations on the effects of the P-derivatives on bridge deck flutter, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 283, pages 957-969.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Omenzetter P, Chakraborty S. (2005) Lessons from monitoring the performance of highway bridges, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, volume 12, pages 227-244.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2005) Lateral loading and response for a tall building in the non-seismic doldrums, Engineering Structures, volume 27, pages 1801-1812, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2005.04.021.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Middleton C. (2005) Efficient dynamic performance assessment of footbridge, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Bridge Engineering, volume 158, pages 185-192, DOI:10.1680/bren.2005.158.4.185.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW, Suresh R, Tjin SC. (2005) Development of fiber Bragg grating sensors for monitoring civil infrastructure, Engineering Structures, volume 27, pages 1828-1834, DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2005.04.023.


  • Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Vibration serviceability of footbridges, The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, pages 419-423.
  • Pan TC, You XC, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Seismic response of high-rise buildings, Proc. IES/IEM/PII Tripartite Conference on Major Building and Infrastructural Construction Projects, The Institution of Engineers, pages 63-88.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Rizos C, Tan GH, Pan TC. (2004) Real-time Long-term monitoring and static and dynamic displacements of an office tower, combining RTK GPS and accelerometer data, FIG04.
  • Tan GH, Ng TG, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Real time monitoring and alert systems for civil engineering applications using machine-to-machine technologies, International Conference on structural and Foundation Failures.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A, Omenzetter P. (2004) Modelling and measuring dynamic crowd loading on a long-span pedestrian footbridge, ISMA 2004.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW, Omenzetter P. (2004) Live load assessment using a modified Gumbel distribution, The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, pages 865-869.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Omenzetter P, Chakraboorty S. (2004) Interpreting data from bridge performance and health monitoring systems, IABMAS04.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Full-scale measurements on a tall building to compare dynamic and quasi-static response to wind, WES conference.
  • Hao H, Chouw N, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Field measurement and analysis of roadway filtering on traffic-induced ground vibrations, Proceedings the 11th International Conference on Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering and the 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, pages 196-203.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Tan GH. (2004) Emerging technologies for preventing and predicting failures in civil infrastructure, PSH04.
  • Pan TC, Brownjohn JMW, You XT. (2004) Dynamic response of tall buildings to long distance earthquakes, Proc. Asia Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ACEE 2004), Association of Structural Engineers of the Philipines.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW, Suresh R, Tjin SC. (2004) Development of fiber Bragg grating sensors for monitoring civil infrastructure, The Second International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, pages 419-423.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Omenzetter P, Chakraboorty S. (2004) Converting signals to knowledge in structural health monitoring systems, ICEM2004 : Third International Conference on Experimental Mechanics and Third Conference of the Asian Committee on Experimental Mechanics, Proceedings of the SPIE, volume 5852, pages 28-35, DOI:10.1117/12.621225.
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Application of time series and Kalman filtering for structural health monitoring of a bridge, 2nd European workshop on structural health monitoring.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Chakraboorty S, Tjin SC, Tan GH, Tan BL. (2004) A structural health monitoring paradigm for civil infrastructure, FIG04.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Fok P, Roche M, Omenzetter P. (2004) Long span steel pedestrian bridge at Singapore Changi Airport � part 2: Crowd loading tests and vibration mitigation measures, The Structural Engineer, volume 82, pages 28-34.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Fok P, Roche M, Moyo P. (2004) Long span steel pedestrian bridge at Singapore Changi Airport � part 1: Prediction of vibration serviceability problems, The Structural Engineer, volume 82, pages 21-27.
  • Xia P, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Load-Carrying Capacity Evaluation of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Structures by Dynamic Testing and Finite-Element Model Updating, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, volume 32, DOI:10.1520/JTE11791.
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2004) Identification of unusual events in multi-channel bridge monitoring data, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, volume 18, pages 409-430, DOI:10.1016/S0888-3270(03)00040-2.
  • Zhang X, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Effect of relative amplitude on bridge deck flutter, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 92, pages 493-508, DOI:10.1016/j.jweia.2004.02.002.
  • Pan TC, Brownjohn JMW, You X. (2004) Correlating measured and simulated dynamic responses of a tall building to long-distance earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, volume 33, pages 611-632, DOI:10.1002/eqe.366.
  • Xia P, Brownjohn JMW. (2004) Bridge Structural Condition Assessment Using Systematically Validated Finite-Element Model, ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, volume 9, pages 418-423, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2004)9:5(418).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pavic A, Omenzetter P. (2004) A spectral density approach for modelling continuous vertical forces on pedestrian structures due to walking, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, volume 31, pages 65-77, DOI:10.1139/l03-072.


  • Xia P-Q, Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Residual Stiffness Assessment of Structurally Failed Reinforced Concrete Structure by Dynamic Testing and Finite Element Model Updating, Experimental Mechanics, volume 43, no. 4, pages 372-378, DOI:10.1177/0014485103434002. [PDF]
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2003) Tracing the behavior of a Bridge Using Time Series Modeling, 4th International workshop on SHM, pages 491-498.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Sensor and data management technology for structural health monitoring of civil structures, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING AND INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 1235-1242.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Sensor and data management technology for structural health monitoring of civil structures, First International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Rizos C, Tjin SC. (2003) Practical issues in using novel sensors in SHM of civil infrastructure: problems and solutions in implementation of GPS and fibre optic sensors, 4th International workshop on SHM, pages 499-506.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Lessons from Monitoring the Performance of Highway Bridges, International workshop on advanced sensors, structural health monitoring and smart structures.
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2003) Identification of unusual events in multi-channel bridge monitoring data using wavelet transform and outlier analysis, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 5057, pages 157-168, DOI:10.1117/12.484640.
  • Pan TC, Brownjohn JMW, You XT. (2003) Dynamic response of tall buildings to long distance earthquakes, Proceedings of the International conference on Skopje Earthquake -40 years of European Earthquake Engineering.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW, Omenzetter P. (2003) Bridge live load assessment and load carrying capacity estimation using health monitoring system and dynamic testing, 3rd International conference on current and future Trends in Bridge Design, construction and Maintenance, Current and future trends in bridge design, construction and maintenance, pages 557-564, DOI:10.1680/pot3icocaftibdcam.42018.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Assessment of the effect of unusual events recorded by long-term structural health monitoring systems using Box-Jenkins models and wavelet analysis, Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics.
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2003) Application of time series analysis for bridge health monitoring, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING AND INTELLIGENT INFRASTRUCTURE, VOLS 1 AND 2, pages 1073-1080.
  • Omenzetter P, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2003) Application of time series analysis for bridge health monitoring, 1st International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure 2003, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure 2003, volume 2, pages 1073-1080.
  • Zhang X, Brownjohn JMW, Omenzetter P. (2003) Time domain formulation of self-excited forces on bridge deck for wind tunnel experiment, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 91, pages 723-736, DOI:10.1016/S0167-6105(02)00476-2.
  • You X, Pan TC, Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Response characteristics of a tall building subjected to wind and earthquake loads, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Singapore, volume 1.
  • Xia P, Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Residual stiffness assessment of structurally failed reinforced concrete structure by dynamic testing and finite element model updating, Experimental Mechanics, volume 43, pages 372-378, DOI:10.1007/BF02411341.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Omenzetter P, Lu Y. (2003) Assessment of Highway Bridge Upgrading by Dynamic Testing and Finite-Element Model Updating, Journal of bridge engineering (ASCE), volume 8, pages 162-172, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)1084-0702(2003)8:3(162).
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2003) Ambient vibration studies for system identification of tall buildings, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, volume 32, pages 71-95, DOI:10.1002/eqe.215.



  • Wang Y, Tjin SC, Moyo P, Zheng X, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Vibration measurement and mode analysis on concrete structures with embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors, Smart Structures and Materials, pages 151-159.
  • Ogaja C, Rizos C, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Toward the implementation of an on-line structural monitoring using RTK-GPS and analysis of results using the wavelet transform, International Symposium on Deformation Measurements.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zheng X. (2001) The effects of human postures on energy dissipation from vibrating floors, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 4317, pages 489-493, DOI:10.1117/12.429625.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Tan BL, Tjin SC, Wang Y, Fan SC. (2001) Strategies for bridge performance and health monitoring measurements, 8th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constru.
  • Wang Y, Tjin SC, Moyo P, Zheng X, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) �Simultaneous monitoring of the amplitude and location of loading with embedded Fiber Bragg Grating sensor arrays�, NDE for Health Monitoring and Diagnostics, pages 451-458.
  • Tao N, Soo YS, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Seismic vulnerability assessment of RC structures due to long distance earthquake, 8th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constru.
  • Zheng X, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Modeling and simulation of human-floor system under vertical vibration, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 4327, pages 513-520, DOI:10.1117/12.436586.
  • Luscher DJ, Brownjohn JMW, Sohn H, Farrar CR. (2001) Modal parameter extraction of Z24 bridge data, Proceedings of the International Modal Analysis Conference - IMAC, volume 1, pages 836-841.
  • Xia P-Q, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Integrating experimental and analytical data for validating finite element models, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 4317, pages 335-340, DOI:10.1117/12.429597.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Identification of altered structural behaviour from health monitoring Systems, The Third Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zheng X. (2001) Human dynamics and floor vibrations, 8th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constru.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P, Wang Y, Tjin SC, Lim TK. (2001) Experiences with Fiber optic Bragg grating sensors in civil engineering, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 4317, pages 241-247, DOI:10.1117/12.429578.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zheng X. (2001) Discussion of human resonant frequency, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 4317, pages 469-474, DOI:10.1117/12.429621.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Lu Y, Chuai CT, Moyo P, Xia P. (2001) Bridge condition assessment through dynamic measurements, 8th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constru.
  • Zhang X, Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Aeroelastic model testing with ERA’, 8th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Constru.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Choi ECC. (2001) Wind tunnel section model study of aeroelastic performance for Ting Kau Bridge Deck, Wind and Structures, volume 4, pages 367-382.
  • Pan TC, Megawati K, Brownjohn JMW, Lee CL. (2001) The Bengkulu, Southern Sumatra, Earthquake of 4 June 2000 (Mw = 7.7): Another Warning to Remote Metropolitan Areas, Seismological Research Letters, volume 72, pages 171-185.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Bogunovic Jakobsen J. (2001) Strategies for aeroelastic parameter identification from bridge deck free vibration data, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 89, pages 1113-1136, DOI:10.1016/S0167-6105(01)00091-5.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC. (2001) Response of tall buildings to weak long distance earthquakes, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, volume 30, pages 709-729, DOI:10.1002/eqe.32.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (2001) Energy dissipation from vibrating floor slabs due to human-structure interaction, Journal of Shock and Vibration, volume 8, pages 315-323.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Xia PQ, Hao H, Xia Y. (2001) Civil structure condition assessment by FE model updating: methodology and case studies, FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, volume 37, no. 10, pages 761-775, DOI:10.1016/S0168-874X(00)00071-8. [PDF]


  • Brownjohn JM, Xia P. (2000) Finite element model updating of a damaged structure, Shock and Vibration Digest, volume 32, no. 1, pages 63-64.
  • Böhm S, McMurray HN, Powell SM, Worsley DA. (2000) Photoelectrochemical investigation of corrosion using scanning electrochemical techniques, ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA, volume 45, no. 14, pages 2165-2174, DOI:10.1016/S0013-4686(99)00442-9. [PDF]
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC. (2000) Response of tall buildings to long distance earthquakes, ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, VOLS I & II, volume 10, pages 819-826. [PDF]
  • Wang Y, Tjin SC, Sun X, Lim TK, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2000) Simultaneous monitoring of temperature and strain in concrete structures with embedded Fiber Gratings, 2nd International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, pages 540-545.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2000) Monitoring of Malaysia-Singapore Second Link during construction, 2nd International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, pages 528-533.
  • Wang Y, Tjin SC, Lim TK, Brownjohn JMW, Moyo P. (2000) Monitoring of concrete air-drying process with embedded Fiber Bragg Gratings, SPIE International Symposium on Environmental and Industrial Sensing.
  • Lim TK, Tjin SC, Tay LG, Chua CH, Brownjohn JMW. (2000) Measurement of contact forces between human and vibrating floors using Fiber Bragg Grating foot sensors, Smart Materials and MEMS, pages 161-172.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC. (2000) Measured response of a tall building to long distance earthquakes, ASD2000, pages 819-826.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC, Deng XY. (2000) Macro-updating of finite element modelling for core systems of tall buildings, Proceedings of the 14th Engineering Mechanics Conference-ASCE.
  • Forars K, Brownjohn JMW, Warnitchai P. (2000) Influence of cable dynamic on the performance of cable-stayed bridges, ASD2000, pages 497-504.
  • Forars K, Brownjohn JMW, Warnitchai P. (2000) Effects of cable dynamics on the seismic performance of cable stayed bridges, ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL DYNAMICS, VOLS I & II, volume 10, pages 497-504.
  • Wang Y, Tjin SC, Hao J-Z, Lim TK, Tan KB, Chan KM, Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW. (2000) Determination of load-strain characteristics of concrete slabs by using embedded fiber Bragg grating sensors, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, volume 4073, pages 297-304.
  • Moyo P, Brownjohn JMW. (2000) Bridge health monitoring using wavelet analysis, Second International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, SPIE Proceedings Vol. 4317, volume 4317, pages 546-551, DOI:10.1117/12.429636.
  • Fan SC, Brownjohn JMW, Yeow OC. (2000) Is BS 5400 temperature distribution applicable under Singapore conditions?, Conspectus, HBD, volume 40, pages 43-49.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Xia P-Q. (2000) Dynamic assessment of curved cable-stayed bridge by model updating, Journal of structural engineering New York, N.Y, volume 126, pages 252-260, DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9445(2000)126:2(252).
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC, Deng XY. (2000) Correlating dynamic characteristics from field measurements and numerical analysis of a high-rise building, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, volume 29, pages 523-543, DOI:10.1002/(SICI)1096-9845(200004)29:4<523::AID-EQE920>3.0.CO;2-L.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Xia P. (1999) Finite element updating of a damaged structure, IMAC17, pages 457-462.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Xia P. (1999) Finite element modelling, prototype testing and model updating of a curved cable-stayed bridge, Proceedings, International Conference on Applications of Modal analysis.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1999) Energy dissipation in one-way slabs with human participation, Asia Pacific Vibration Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1999) Dynamic performance and characteristics of highway bridges, Proceedings, International Conference on Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Repair and Maintenance.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Lee J, Cheong B. (1999) Dynamic performance of a curved cable-stayed bridge, Engineering Structures, volume 21, pages 1015-1027, DOI:10.1016/S0141-0296(98)00046-7.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC, Choi EC. (1998) Dynamic loading and response for a tall building, Proceedings, 5th International Conference on Tall Buildings, Vol. 2, pages 730-735.
  • Ang C-K, Brownjohn JMW. (1998) Full-scale dynamic response of high-rise building to lateral loading, Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, volume 12, pages 33-39.
  • Tao NF, Brownjohn JMW. (1998) Estimation of ground motion acceleration and building response to a long distance earthquake, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, volume 2, pages 477-485.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1998) Dynamics of an aerial cableway system, Engineering Structures, volume 20, pages 826-836.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan T-C, Cheong H-K. (1998) Dynamic response of Republic Plaza, Singapore, Structural Engineer, volume 76, pages 221-226.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Pan TC, Mita A, Chow KF. (1998) Dynamic and static response of Republic Plaza, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Singapore, volume 38, pages 35-41.


  • Pan TC, Brownjohn JMW. (1997) Structural response monitoring for a tall building, Proceedings, 1st International Workshop on Health Monitoring System for Tall Buildings.
  • Pan TC, Brownjohn JMW. (1997) Innovative instrumentation to study the behaviour of a high-rise building, 1st Distinguished Civil Engineer Symposium.
  • Tao NF, Brownjohn JMW. (1997) A study on the earthquake-resistant reliability of RC frame structures suffering different earthquake damage states, Proceedings, 22nd Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1997) Vibration characteristics of a suspension footbridge, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 202, pages 29-46.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Koh C-M, Chin Y-P. (1996) Vibration characteristics of a suspension footbridge, Proceedings, 2nd International Conference: Structural Dynamic Modelling, pages 425-436.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Inada Y, Pan TC, Cheong H-K. (1995) Performance of Republic Plaza structural system during construction, Proceedings, 4th Pacific Structural Steel Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zasso A, Stephen GA, Severn RT. (1995) Analysis of experimental data from wind-induced response of a long span bridge, Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 54, pages 13-24.


  • Brownjohn JMW. (1994) Suspension bridges, Burwalls Colloquium Proceedings.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1994) Observations on nonlinear dynamic characteristics of suspension bridges, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, volume 23, pages 1351-1367.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Bocciolone M, Curami A, Falco M, Zasso A. (1994) Humber Bridge full scale measure campaigns 1990-1991, Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 52, pages 185-218.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1994) Estimation of damping in suspension bridges, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Structures and Buildings, volume 104, pages 401-415.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Taylor CA. (1994) Dynamic investigation of a suspension footbridge, Engineering Structures, volume 16, pages 395-406.


  • Stephen GA, Brownjohn JMW, Taylor CA. (1993) Measurements of static and dynamic displacement from visual monitoring of the Humber Bridge, Engineering Structures, volume 15, no. 3, pages 197-208, DOI:10.1016/0141-0296(93)90054-8.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1993) Damping in suspension bridges: sources, measurements and errors, Proceedings, Third Asia Pacific Symposium on Wind Engineering.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Zasso A, Stephen GA, Severn RT. (1993) Analysis of experimental data from wind-induced response of a long span bridge, Proceedings, Third Asia Pacific Symposium on Wind Engineering.
  • Stephen GA, Brownjohn JMW, Taylor CA. (1993) Visual monitoring of the Humber Bridge, Engineering Structures, volume 15, pages 197-208.
  • Brownjohn JMW. (1993) Structural diagnosis through vibration measurements: case studies on concrete gravity dams, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Singapore, volume 33, pages 87-91.


  • Zasso A, Bocciolone M, Brownjohn JMW. (1992) Rain-wind aeroelastic instability of the inclined hangers of a suspension bridge, Wind Engineering Society Inaugural Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Boccolione M, Curami A, Falco M, Zasso A. (1992) Humber Bridge full scale measure campaigns 1990-‘1991, Wind Engineering Society Inaugural Conference.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT. (1992) Full-scale dynamic testing of the second Bosporus suspension bridge, 10th International World on Earthquake Engineering.
  • Cheli F, Collina A, Diana G, Zasso A, Brownjohn JMW. (1992) Suspension bridge parameter identification in full-scale test, Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 41, pages 165-176.
  • Dumanoglu AA, Brownjohn JMW, Severn RT. (1992) Seismic analysis of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet (second Bosporus) suspension bridge, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, volume 21, pages 881-906.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Greeves EJ, Taylor CA. (1992) Quality assurance of experimental and research activities in a University environment, Civil Engineering, Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers, volume 92, pages 39-47.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT. (1992) Ambient vibration survey of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Second Bosporus) Suspension Bridge, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, volume 21, pages 907-924.


  • Taylor CA, Brownjohn JMW, Blakeborough AB. (1991) The influence of shaking table characteristics on seismic qualification testing methodology, International Conference on Civil Engineering in the Nuclear Industry.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Taylor CA, Severn RT, Blakeborough AB. (1991) Seismic qualification of equipment using the SERC Earthquake Simulator, EC-Mexico Workshop on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Lubkowski ZA, Pappin JW, Taylor CA. (1991) Ground and structural vibrations induced by explosive demolition of adjacent structures, Earthquake, Blast and Impact.
  • Cawley P, Brownjohn JMW, Adams RD. (1991) The detection of defects in GRP lattice structures by vibration measurements, NDT and E International, volume 24, pages 123-134.
  • Garevski MA, Brownjohn JMW, Blakeborough AB, Severn RT. (1991) Resonance search tests on a small-scale model of a cable-stayed bridge, Engineering Structures, volume 13, pages 59-66.


  • Severn RT, Taylor CA, Brownjohn JMW. (1990) Full-Scale dynamic testing and mathematical model validation of dams, Dam Engineering, volume 1, pages 101-122.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT, Blakeborough AB. (1989) Ambient vibration survey of the Bosporus Suspension Bridge, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, volume 18, pages 263-283.


  • Taylor CA, Blakeborough A, Brownjohn JMW. (1988) The performance of the seismic isolation system of the SERC Earthquake Simulator at Bristol University, Conference on Civil Engineering Dynamics.
  • Blakeborough A, Brownjohn JMW, Severn RT, Taylor CA. (1988) Ambient vibration surveys of the Humber and Bosporus suspension bridges, Tension Structures: 1st Oleg Kerensky Memorial Conference.
  • Severn RT, Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Taylor CA. (1988) A review of dynamic testing methods for civil engineering structures, Civil Engineering Dynamics, Civil engineering dynamics: design, analysis testing and performance, pages 1-24, DOI:10.1680/cedsb1988.23273.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT, Taylor CA. (1988) Ambient vibration measurements of the Humber Suspension Bridge and comparison with calculated characteristics, Proceedings, Institution of Civil Engineers, Part 2, volume 83, pages 561-600.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT, Taylor CA. (1987) AMBIENT VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS OF THE HUMBER SUSPENSION BRIDGE AND COMPARISON WITH CALCULATED CHARACTERISTICS, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (London), volume 83, no. pt 2, pages 561-600.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Severn RT, Taylor CA. (1987) Observation of the dynamic behaviour of two arch dams, International Workshop on Arch Dams.
  • Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT, Brownjohn JMW, Taylor CA. (1987) Modal combination methods in the seismic analysis of the Humber Bridge, Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures.
  • Dumanoglu AA, Brownjohn JMW, Severn RT, Taylor CA. (1987) Dynamic assessment of the Humber Bridge based on full-scale testing, Structural Assessment Based on Full and Large Scale Testing.
  • Davenport AG, King JPC, Brownjohn JMW. (1987) Comparison of full scale and wind tunnel model response to wind of long span bridges, Sixth Annual ASCE Structures Conference, Dynamics of Structures, pages 607-615.


  • Dumanoglu AA, Severn RT, Brownjohn JMW. (1986) Asynchronous seismic analysis of Bosporus and Humber Suspension Bridges, Proceedings, 8th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering.
  • Brownjohn JMW, Chandru R, Dumanoglu AA, Taylor CA. (1986) Ambient vibration testing on the Humber Suspension Bridge, Proceedings, 8th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering.


  • Brownjohn JMW, Steele GH, Cawley P, Adams RD. (1980) Errors in mechanical impedance data obtained with impedance heads, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 73, pages 461-468.

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