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  • Marsico M, Kelly JM. (2015) The influence of damping in seismic isolate nuclear power plants, Eng Mechanics Institute (EMI) 2015 Conf,, Stanford University.




  • Marsico M, Londoño JM, Neild SA, Wagg DJ. (2011) The effect of delay on real time dynamic substructuring tests in a cable for cable-stayed bridge, 4th Int. Conf. on Advances in Experimental Structural Eng, 1st - 1st Jan 2011.
  • Marsico M, Wagg DJ, Neild SA, Macdonald J. (2011) Nonlinear cable vibrations: experimental tests on an inclined cable, 8th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN, Leuven, Belgium, 1st - 1st Jan 2011.
  • Marsico M, Tzanov V, Wagg DJ, Krauskopf B, Neild SA, Macdonald J. (2011) Internal resonance between in-plane and out-of-plane modes of vibration of inclined cables subjected to vertical support excitation, 8th Int. Conf. on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN, Leuven, Belgium, 1st - 1st Jan 2011.
  • Marsico M, Wagg DJ, Neild SA. (2011) The effect of interface delays in substructuring experiments, Proceedings ASME 2011 Washington, DC, USA, 1st - 1st Jan 2011.
  • Marsico MR, Wagg DJ, Neild SA. (2011) The effect of interface delays in substructuring experiments, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, volume 1, no. PARTS A AND B, pages 619-624.
  • Marsico MR, Tzanov V, Wagg DJ, Neild SA, Krauskopf B. (2011) Bifurcation analysis of a parametrically excited inclined cable close to two-to-one internal resonance, Journal of Sound and Vibration, volume 330, no. 24, pages 6023-6035. [PDF]
  • Marsico MR, Tzanov V, Wagg DJ, Neild SA, Krauskopf B. (2011) Bifurcation analysis of a parametrically excited inclined cable close to two-to-one internal resonance, Journal of Sound and Vibration.


  • Marsico M, Neild SA, Wagg DJ. (2010) Bridge Cable stability: and analytical and experimental model, Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Struct. Dynam. (RASD), Southampton, Uk, 1st - 1st Jan 2010.
  • Marsico M, Wagg DJ, Neild SA. (2010) The effect of deck parameters on out-of-plane vibrations of a stay-bridge cable, Proceedings of Int. Conf. on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Leuven, Belgium, 1st - 1st Jan 2010.
  • Kelly JM, Marsico MR. (2010) Stability and post-buckling behavior in nonbolted elastomeric isolators, Seismic Isolation and Protective Systems, volume 1, no. 1, pages 41-54. [PDF]
  • Serino G, Spizzuoco M, Marsico MR. (2010) Application of structural isolation and health monitoring the 'Our Lady of Tears Shrine' in syracuse (Italy), Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, volume 6, no. 5, pages 593-610.
  • Marsico MR, Gonzalez-Buelga A, Neild SA, Wagg DJ. (2010) Interaction between in-plane and out-of-plane cable modes for a cable-deck system, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2009, DETC2009, volume 1, no. PART A, pages 583-590.


  • Marsico M, Kelly JM. (2009) The instability of non-bolted elastomeric isolators.
  • Marsico M, Sieber J, Neild SA, Wagg DJ. (2009) Dynamic testing for uncertainty in structural dynamics, 2nd International Conference on Uncertainty in Structural Dynamics, The University Of Sheffield.
  • Marsico M, Kelly JM. (2009) Stability and Post-Buckling Behaviour in Non-Bolted Elastomeric Isolators, Proceedings of the XIII Italian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ANIDIS), CD paper 226, Bologna.
  • Marsico M, Neild SA, Gonzalez-Buelga A, Wagg DJ. (2009) Interaction between in-plane and out- of-plane cable mode for a cable-deck system, Proce. ASME 2009, San Diego, California.
  • Marsico M, Wagg DJ. (2009) Stability for bridge cable and cable-deck interaction, 3rd Int. Conf. on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering,, San Francisco, California (usa), 1st - 1st Jan 2009.
  • Marsico MR, Gonzalez-Buelga A, Neild SA, Wagg DJ. (2009) Interaction between in-plane and out-of-plane cable modes for a cable-deck system, Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, volume 1, no. PARTS A AND B, pages 583-590.


  • Spizzuoco M, Serino G, Londoño Monsalve JM, Marsico M. (2008) Experimental investigation on passive fluid viscous devices by FIP Industriale.
  • Serino G, Chandrasekaran S, Spizzuoco M, Marsico M. (2008) Descriptions and analytical modelling of the Jetpacs prototype steel frame.
  • Serino G, Spizzuoco M, Marsico M, Chandrasekaran S. (2008) The monitoring system of an isolated religious building in Italy: a recent acquisition of the Italian "OSS", Proc. 4th European Conf. on Structural Control, St.petersburg.
  • Serino G, Spizzuoco M, Marsico MR, Chandrasekaran S. (2008) Seismic isolation and modelling of a worship structure, Proceedings of Fourth European Conference on Structural Control, St.petersburg, 1st - 1st Jan 2008.
  • Spizzuoco M, Londoño JM, Serino G, Marsico M. (2008) Design of non-linear viscous dampers for a steel braced mock-up structure,, Proc. of 4th European Conf. on Structural Control, St.petersburg.
  • Marsico M, Kelly JM. (2008) The instability of non-bolted elastomeric isolators, Acts of Technologies for Seismic Isolation and Control of Structures and Infrastructures, Naples.


  • Serino G, Spizzuoco M, Marsico M. (2007) Isolamento sismico del Santuario “Madonna delle Lacrime” in Siracusa, Proceedings of the XII Italian Conference on Earthquake Engineering (ANIDIS), CD paper 261, 2007.
  • Serino G, Spizzuoco M, Marsico M. (2007) The “Santuario Madonna delle Lacrime” in Siracusa as recent application of structural isolation and health monitoring, Proc. Int. Conf. on Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures (EVACES’07), Porto, 1st - 1st Jan 2007.


  • Marsico M, Spizzuoco M, Serino G. (2006) Rapporto di organizzazione delle prove sul telaio in scala 1:1,5.
  • Marsico M. (2006) Abitare la Luce, Paesaggio Urbano, volume 6.
  • Marsico M, Serino G, Spizzuoco M. (2006) Prove in situ di carico e di scarico su appoggi antisismici di una copertura in c.a, Proc. Convegno Nazionale Sperimentazione su materiali e strutture, Venezia, Italy.

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