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Dr Rupam Das is a Lecturer at the Electronic Engineering, University of Exeter, Streatham, UK. He is part of the Nano Engineering Science and Technology (NEST) and the Centre for Metamaterial Research and Innovation (CMRI). Prior joining this position, he was a Marie Curie Fellow (EU H2020 MSCA-IF: Wireless, Scalable and Implantable Optogenetics for Neurological Disorders Cure (WiseCure) at the Microelectronics Lab (meLAB), University of Glasgow. This Fellowship focused on developing the wireless optogenetic systems based on metamaterials to treat brain diseases. He also worked as a Research Associate in multi-million EU H2020 FET-Proactive "HERMES" project in Glasgow, where he was developing the flexible neural implant to treat epilepsy. Before moving to the UK, he was a BK'21 Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Ulsan and Hanyang University at the Applied Bioelectronics Lab (ABLab). Rupam is an IEEE senior member and served as a guest editor in Royal Society of Philosophical Transaction A. He was also the local organizer of ICECS 2020 and session chair committee member for ICECS 2022.



  • PhD in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (2013-2017), University of Ulsan, South Korea, supervised by Prof. Hyoungsuk Yoo. Thesis: A Study on MRI Heating, Biotelemetry, and Unidirectional Wireless Power Transfer for Biomedical Implants
  • MSc in Medical & Biological Engineering (2011-2013), University of Ulsan, South Korea, supervised by Prof. Hyoungsuk Yoo. Thesis: MRI interactions with biomedical implants
  • BSc in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (2006-2010), Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Bangladesh. Project: Biometric Fingerprint recognition using MATLAB


Grant and Research Funding


  • 2025 - 2029: NEUROBOT: Neural Microbots for Closed Loop Modulation, ARIA (Precision Neurotechnologies), PI Exeter (£4M).
  • 2024: Dstl PhD MegaComp studentship: Magnetoelectric material based miniaturized and multifunctional antennas. Lot 5 RQ25379. (£120k)
  • 2023 - 2025: RG\R2\232031: GRAIN: GRAphene based Neural Implant fabrication. Royal Society Research Grant, PI (£70k)
  • 2023: Health Technologies @ Exeter seedcorn fund, PI (£2k)
  • 2023-2027 HORIZON-EIC-PATHFINDEROPEN (GA n.101099355), BRAINSTORM: Wireless deep BRAIN STimulation thrOugh engineeRed Multifunctional nanomaterials, affliliate investigator (€3M), PI: Prof Hadi Heidari, Uni of Glasgow
  • 2023-2026 CHIST-ERA EPSRC (EP/X034690/1), SNOW: Wearable Nano-Opto-electro-mechanic Systems, Co-I (£250k), PI: Prof Hadi Heidari, Uni of Glasgow
  • 2022 EPSRC IAA (EP/R511705/1), MRI Compatible Brain Implant, PI (£20.5K) with QVBio
  • 2022-2026 HORIZON-EIC-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES (GA n.101070908), CROSSBRAIN: Distributed and federated cross-modality actuation through advanced nanomaterials and neuromorphic learning, affliliate investigator (€4M), PI: Prof Hadi Heidari (Uni of Glasgow)
  • 2020-2022 MSCA Individual Fellowship (Fellow/PI) (GA n.893822) €224k EU Fellowship to design wireless brain implants for neurological diseases
  • 2017-2019 Brain Korea (BK) 21 Plus Fellowship (Fellow/PI) $64k Fellowship to research on high-dielectric metamaterials and electromagnetic band gap structure
  • 2013-2016 Brain Korea (BK) 21 Doctoral Fellowship (Fellow) $43k to design of MRI compatible active implantable medical devices with wireless power transmission
  • 2011-2013 University of Ulsan, South Korea ~$12k postgraduate research scholarship


PhD/Post-doctoral Positions

I am currently looking for highly motivated and hard working PhD students as well as Postdoctoral researchers to be part of the cutting-edge research to develop the next generation of wireless bioelectronic devices. Please get in touch with your CV and research interest to discuss more about funding and fellowship.

Current PhD position:







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