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Photo of Dr Zheng Jun Chew

Dr Zheng Jun Chew

Senior Lecturer in Energy Harvesting Power Management

 (Streatham) 3684

 01392 723684



I am a Senior Lecturer in Power Management in Energy Harvesting Systems. Before my current appointment, I was a Senior Research Fellow with the Energy Harvesting Research Group led by Professor Meiling Zhu. I am a Chartered Engineer and worked as an electrical engineer at Sony EMCS(M) Sdn Bhd before obtaining the Zienkiewicz scholarship to pursue my PhD at Swansea University.

I have worked in energy harvesting research since 2014, contributing towards successful project delivery and bidding of grant funding worth over £2M. I have worked on many projects that involved high-value industries such as aerospace, marine and railway with companies such as Airbus, BAE Systems, Babcock and Network Rail. I have generated 3 patents and 30 publications, including book chapters, journal and conference papers in energy harvesting from my research and co-founded a spin-out company Encortec. My research interests include low-power, high-efficiency and adaptive power management circuits for energy harvesting, sensor interfaces and wireless sensor network for industrial monitoring applications.


  • PhD in Electronic & Electrical Engineering, 2014, Swansea University, Wales.
    Thesis: Integrated Transducers and Nanostructure Synthesis
    Fully funded by the Zienkiewicz Scholarship
  • BEng (First Class Hons) in Electronic & Electrical Engineering, 2010, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
    Project: Vibration-based MEMS battery

Current Projects

  • SmartAIR+, Carbon Trust, Feb 23 - Dec 24, PI

Completed Projects

  • Co-Creation with Network Rail for Obtaining Trial Certification of Smart Rail Track Monitoring Systems, EPSRC IAA, Feb 23 - Aug 23, £35K, Co-I
  • Zero Power, Large Area Rail Track Monitoring, EPSRC (EP/S024840/1), May 19 - May 23, £1.38M, Researcher-Co-I
  • Accelerating rail track electromagnetic energy harvesting system for commercialisation, EPSRC IAA, Jan 22 - Mar 22, £35K, Co-I
  • Accelerating Energy Harvesting Technology for Spin-out, EPSRC IAA, Jun 21 - May 22, £50K, Co-I
  • AutoNaut for Extreme Environments, Innovate UK (104064), Jan 18 - Dec 20, £75K, Researcher-Co-I
  • Multi-source power management to enable autonomous micro energy harvesting systems, Innovate UK (104004), Jan 18 - Jun 19, £150K, Researcher-Co-I
  • Energy Harvesting Sensor Systems, SETSquared, Oct 17 - Jan 18, £30K, PI
  • Energy Harvesting System for Battery-less Remote Monitoring, Open Innovation Platform, Oct 17 - Dec 17, £20K, Co-I
  • Accelerating the Uptake of Energy Harvesting Technology by Industry, EPSRC IAA, Sep 17 - Jul 18, £ 35K, Co-I 
  • En-ComE: Energy Harvesting Powered Wireless Monitoring Systems Based on Integrated Smart Composite Structures and Energy-Aware Architecture, EPSRC (EP/K020331/1), Apr 14 - Oct 17, £630K, Researcher
  • SENTIENT -SENsors To Inform and Enable wireless NeTworks, Innovate UK (101657), Jan 14 - Mar 17, £151K, Researcher
  • SMARTER: Smart Multifunctional ARchitecture & Technology for Energy aware wireless sensoRs, EPSRC (EP/K017950/2), Apr 14 - Mar 16, £410K, Researcher

Position Opening

I have a funded PhD position to research in the area of power management, wireless network, sensing or data analytics related to energy harvesting applications. Please get in touch if you are interested.

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  • Chew Z. (2024) Energy Harvesting for Powering Distributed and Autonomous Airflow Controllers of a Smart Local Exhaust Ventilation System, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN), Beijing, China, 17th - 20th Aug 2024.















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