Computational Modelling and Data Science
Computational Modelling and Data Science includes researchers developing physics-based simulation techniques such as FEA and CFD, and the new simulation techniques of Engineering Data Science and AI. Applications of these technologies can be found in bioengineering and in robotics and control. Researchers in this Theme also work collaboratively with those in other Themes on simulation, virtual design and development of digital twins.
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Academic | Research interests |
Biomedical Engineering Research Laboratory
- Tissue preparation and storage (-20°C and -80°C)
- Esco Airstream Class II biological safety cabinet
- Esco CelCulture CO2 incubator
- Priorclave Compact 40 autoclave
- Ductaire 700 fume hood
- Triple Red Geno type 2 water purification system
- Instron Elelctropuls E10000 dynamic testing machine
- Qualisys Miqus 6 camera motion capture system
- Fiso fibre-optic pressure transducers
- ADPM Opal wireless wearable sensors
- Scan IP+FE and Abaqus software for medical image processing and computational modelling
Biomedical Physics Research Laboratories
- Multi-photon microscopy (SHG, TPF, CARS)
- Raman microspectroscopy
- Brillouin imaging and spectroscopy
- Membrane mechanics laboratory
- Tissue micromechanics facilities
- Physiological electrochemistry systems
There are often specific vacancies at both PhD and postdoctoral level - these are advertised on the University web site, and vacancies specific to the Computational Engineering group will be advertised here.
Applications from self-funded PhD students and visitors are welcomed at any time - please contact the relevant academic staff for your interests.
Group members have an excellent track record of working with companies in many areas of Engineering, spanning startups, SME and international companies, through mechanisms such as InnovateUK, KTP and various Industrial PhD/EngD projects, plus direct consultancy. If your company is interested in our work and capabilities or would like to explore how we could work together, please contact the relevant academic staff.
Research groups and centres
Research work within this theme is delivered and supported by various centres and groups based in the Department of Engineering.