Renewable Energy
Renewable Energy has access to significant specialist resources and equipment applicable to the renewable energy sector, in addition to the majority of conventional engineering laboratory facilities.
Most of our unique facilities relate to ocean energy research, power systems and reliability and field studies. These have relevance both for fundamental research, industrial projects and for teaching purposes.
Research topics
Research projects
"These are truly exciting times for Renewable Energy: technology is advancing, costs are falling, attitudes are changing and grid parity is on the horizon. Despite current political challenges, the revolution really is unstoppable. Our department is at the forefront of clean energy research and we collaborate with many organisations on a variety of projects. Our taught programmes are dedicated to training the brilliant minds of tomorrow, ensuring that future generations and the renewable energy sector are equipped with highly skilled individuals who can deliver for us all."
- Professor Xiaohong Li, Academic Lead
Renewable Energy is based on the University's Penryn Campus in Cornwall. Visit the Cornwall campuses website for more information about Penryn.
+44 (0)1326 370400 (8:30-17:30)
+44 (0)1326 255875 (24 hours)
+44 (0)1326 370450
Renewable Energy
University of Exeter
TR10 9FE
To enquire about collaborating with us, please contact the Innovation, Impact and Business team.
Phone: +44 (0)1392 723456